New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par Remundo » 01/08/15, 21:02

inventor a écrit :We must take care to harmful aerodynamic resistances as low as possible ..
Because, after all, and two revolutions per second can turn the wings .. It is 120 km / h .. Pretty on the wind.
This cover should be good.


Can of some use ..

Andrew :D

Hi Feliks,

What is the goal / advantage of that turbine ?
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par inventor » 02/08/15, 21:43

Once upon a time there was no internet .. Even with the video was difficult .. only movies .. I have survived such films showing such beautiful cars with large wings .. I once suggested that such a wing but the bulge facing down ..but not all of it like .. it turned out that such huge wings were already in use .. Now can a wing of such large dimensions but the double - spoon effect .. interesting how many vacuum that could, if NACA-profile Felix apply any .. maybe above a certain speed .. .....



Andrew :D
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par inventor » 10/08/15, 23:24

Yesterday marked the 70th anniversary of explosion atomic bomb in Nagasaki. the first theoretical founder Joseph Rotblat it was ..

quoted below what was his attitude to scientific discoveries:

"Hind al. [16] pointed out that the unpredictability switched
petent research makes such a project
difficult, if at all possible. But such a project
of it becomes meaningful if based on ethical principles.
Rotblat was of the opinion that the foundations of ethics should form
part of the training of all scientists. He wanted,
that universities have adopted some sort of cited above
oaths, and to students of natural filed
such a vow when finish their studies, and listened to lectures
on the ethical aspects of science. Relying on his conscience
and the good will of individual scientists not in itself
It will be sufficient, since the units are often unreliable.
Therefore called for the establishment of a number of ethics committees,
which might consider science projects that may affect
human life, some kind of medical committees
ethical. Consent ethics of such a committee would be required
for funding a particular direction of research.
In later life, Rotblat opposed
research conducted in secret, which is often
in the case of government research and industrial applications. He believed
that new knowledge to be shared. He moved a problem
associated with the commercialization of research, since many studies
carried out in universities were funded
from commercial sources. This could influence the direction
study, put at risk the ethical problems and increase the mystery.
He also began to hate the patenting of results
research, because in his opinion, knowledge should be
available for free. But scientists themselves often impose secrecy.
because they want to keep other scholars in the dark
until publication, because a person who
First it publishes, often gets awards and honors.
These views Rotblat that come with early stages
his career and matured over a lifetime, are a bit naive,
because competition, secrecy
and commercialization are part of learning. He simply wanted
resist these pressures "

I like it..

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 12/08/15, 16:21

Here this car..


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 12/08/15, 16:27

[QUOTE=Thepanzerfuhrer;32937258]If I employed this wing technique on say a convertible mustang, how much reduction could I expect in my corrected et?[/QUOTE]

for it is not such a simple thing .. My drawing is only a theory, and even to good its use probably still need many experiences .. It's like a first flight .. Here we see that one of the first aircraft was driven by the wheel to become independent by the wind ..
Now that the simulator airfoil from NASA perfectly we can see that even minimal changes in some parameters, the cause, the whole project can not go wrong .. You can discern that the value of lifting force to the resistance can take very extreme value. THEREFORE should be chosen carefully all the values. RELATIONSHIP TO RESISTANCE to the lift of WAS AS 1: 10 ..
For the time being we do not have a simulator to "spoon effect", the distance and angle of attack of wings .. But we can assume based on experience, that it will have a value, after careful about choosing the least 3 times larger than the two single wing, that is, if we simulator one wing lift 37 pounds is two give us 74 pounds .. multiply it by spoon effect. that is, times 3, which gives us 222 pounds of force "propellants", in relation to the resistance, which is 7.4 pounds ... So theoretical gain is about 30 times .. Now, from our skills and experience will depend on how much practically with the profit we will they could utilize to drive a car .. it is a very big number, and even if almost ten times we reduce it, it will be us coefficient 3, for a clean drive a car .. so it all depends on how it practically execute ..


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 03/09/15, 02:11

Well, for flying Dedalus human needs only 200 watts of power .. I wonder how many need to of going by car ..

Here the newest model .. :)


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 02/10/15, 01:16

And you know what these wings including my project still can be used? not even suppose ... :rolleyes:

This is EXHAUST. .. :D

Thus, the negative pressure is created dam that will serve to suck exhaust gas from the engine .. vacuum will remain on throughout the exhaust pipe .. will suck exhaust lot better than they do, competitive exhaust pipe curled in a "sausage" ...
And by the way a negative pressure can be so great that at some considerable speed, you can turn off the ignition .. :D and cut off the supply of fuel .. :D interesting at what it will speed .. :rolleyes:

and even before up to speed, it also can underpressure to run a turbine from the exhaust and nwtedy that the system does not have to be connected ..

Well, not to mention the alternator, which also would say fueled rotary vane pump on the vacuum ...

Yes, if so, a pair of wings spoon should be at the back of the car .... :D


Andrew :D
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par Exnihiloest » 02/10/15, 12:29

inventor a écrit :...
And by the way a negative pressure can be so great that at some considerable speed, you can turn off the ignition .. :D and cut off the supply of fuel .. :D interesting at what it will speed .. :rolleyes:

Is it a joke?
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par Remundo » 02/10/15, 15:06

and what about the aerodynamic drag as a trailer tail of these beautiful plates of steel... ? :?
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par inventor » 27/12/15, 02:39

Here the newest model of the wind my car .. Only cosmetic changes on the outside .. :)


But inside the revolution ..
I present two screenshots of the simulator NASA airfoil and it is clear that at different angle of attack with a symmetrical profile, receive different values ??of lift .. From negative to positive .. or 160 KG positive, or 160 kg (320 lbs) negative (downward pushing sash) when changing the angle of attack of 30 degrees .. and dimensions of the wings 2, 5 meters square at a speed of 100 km / h (60 miles)



Well, this wing of their forces can drive the crankshaft directly ..
Here, the animation .. The angle of attack of the wing can change either electrically or mechanically (cam) There is no need for this high energy ..

Well needless to say that such a system also can work at creating their own wind ... ..

I had to publish it on Santa Claus, but that the climate summit a little hurried me .. Because after what happened there in May too tired and negotiate, as you no longer need .. maybe someone out there will send a telegram?:rolleyes:

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks

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