New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par Remundo » 17/04/15, 10:43

Hello Inventor,

Still in the Venturi's effect :D
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par inventor » 26/04/15, 09:08

Here is one of the possible types of vacuum-engine .. Maybe he propel generators, or directly propeller boat or vehicle wheels .., or bike ..or propeller


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par inventor » 26/04/15, 09:09

In other forum ;
Originally Posted by Brutus1967 View Post
The efficiency of a vacuum engine is horribly low: the first ocean liners had what was then called "atmospheric steam engines" in which the actual labour was done by the atmospheric pressure acting on one side of the working piston, and the vacuum created by condensing the steam on the other side of the working piston.

The efficiency was less than 5%, and the first vessels crossing the atlantic ocean on engine power alone, were known to need to burn wooden chairs and other furnitures, window sills and deckplanking, in order to reach the other side of the pond because the coal fuel was finished...

Brgds, Bert

Well, not good with this efficiency .. You mix two completely different concepts, the efficiency of the steam engine The carbon burning, with the efficiency of a wind turbine ( in the negative pressure wing profle NACA - FELIKS ).

When energy comes from burning, really important thing is the efficiency with which it is done. Because we have a limited amount of fuel has just available. and then the 5% is actually a small value .. and the ship has trouble swimming.
But the sail-powered ship, even as it has efficiency of 2%, it still can freely sail around the globe całakule around, for this, the wind energy at sea is missing and NEVER run out why performance in this case the energy of secondary importance, if we have an infinite the amount of free energy to use .. Only at the very beginning, that the construction, we need to build a bigger engine .. Well, for example, in this case, if we want to have 100% efficiency Such as is the atmospheric engine would have to be 20 times greater. So that you can imagine .. .Then all energy supplied will be free to move the engine, and it is certainly several times higher efficiency of such an engine than the normal propeller fan of the same size ..
This engine is sufficient to tens of millibars vacuum, that he began to work very efficiently .. Such differences of pressure observed in Nature, during hurricanes, or tornadoes ..No and efficiency of what is a tornado ?? Large, certainly a big ...

Write or understand the performance issues that the traditional concept is here entirely at long plan, since it does infinite quantity of wind energy to use and we will be sure to have it for the next thousand years. . At most, we can improve the efficiency of its use, using modern methods of testing and optimization of these completely new systems caused by wind Red Baron Windmill..

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par inventor » 26/04/15, 09:10

Such experience existing in the Museum of Aviation, showing the magnitude of the resistance of various airfoil, by replacing and inserting a rod, profiles of different thicknesses .. I used it to show the enormous size of the vacuum between the two profiles airlines, facing each other, "stomachs" .. So yes went my experience: first suspended weighed on an electronic scale, which is the size of kilograms of force needed to raise the single wing slid over to the bars .. turned out that about 300 Grams. that is to pick up all the rods and wing forces need 300 Grams vacuum. Applying a second similar profile, "belly" to that, at the time of blowing "wind" velocity of about 10 km / h. effects can be seen in the movie .. The strength of the vacuum, causing such rapid weight increase this up must have a value of about 1000 Grams (1KG) .. The Wing has a length of about 30 cm, on that basis, I present a first estimate of the forces in the world .. Namely, when length of about a meter, such wings, this force would have a value of about 3 KG ... or even if only 30% of the force could be used in Windmill Red Baron, its size would be about 1 KG with wings 1 meter .. Now you can try to calculate much larger projects, estimated at least ..

Andrew :D :D
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par inventor » 26/04/15, 09:11

gruntguru, on 24 Apr 2015 - 00:29, said:
Your "enormous vacuum" (taking the figure of 1 kg on an area of 300mm x 300mm) works out to about 110Pa, 0.11kPa or 1/1000th of one atmosphere. That is plenty of pressure difference if you want to make an aeroplane fly but very little if you want to turn a generator.

Oh no , no ,no, .. I'm sorry but your argument is a little convoluted ..

After the show I open an airplane that with such surface wings 30 cm X 30 cm, with a weight of 1 KG can fly at speeds of 10 km / h ...
Minimum of the minimum speed is 100 km / h.

Now this: What is the wind ??
The wind is created when there is a difference of pressure air (i.e., on the one hand must be vacuum)
Now tell me, what is the difference of pressure between these points: 2 km in front of the windmill and two kilometers behind him .. sure there a lot smaller than me, and more than one megawatt generator drives the few, the difference of pressure, which can be even only 1 / 100000 ... one atmosphere. Despite the huge amount of fans suppliers provide free energy.
Such airplanes as ekranoplan have only 1/10 of an aircraft wing surface normal, and even a few hundred tons of flying over water., Is Hypertension .. For me, it is the same big (or and bigger) but the vacuum .. And it's certainly enough to generator drive .. I make such a system of reinforced concrete, 10 times bigger than the Boeing 747 is not technically any problems .. And certainly when compared to the size of a normal fan can by tens of times more energy in the generator. than a traditional windmill.
Well at the end, I show 'windmill, which at a diameter of 30 cm, and a wind speed of 10 km / h will give us the potency of its axis 1 KG rotary or thrust .. well ......
So is mine is really huge compared to what you knew so far .

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par inventor » 17/05/15, 18:25

Such a message regarding my two wings. When you are so positioned, with an angle of about 60 degrees, when you measured the exact speed of 4 m / sec wind from a fan, a small windmill starts at high speed ..
four meters per second is 14.4 km / h, it means that we can experiment while riding a bicycle ....


[QUOTE=jetman150;11374847]Can you use it to sipe out wind from pressure areas? Say where there is interference, or where you might be able to use low pressure to create differentials for benefit?[/QUOTE]

So somehow luckily it happened, that we have such animations ... I did not have to do a lot of research



The wings are slots having a height of 2 mm and a length of 600 mm. or surface fissures through which you get negative pressure to the inside wing is 1200 mm ^ 2. Jarobiac the first model of this wing, I wanted to somehow very simple and cheap execute it. To derive this vacuum, I used a disposable syringe of 20 cc. It inside diameter of 22 mm .. or its surface, is 380 mm ^ 2. As you can see this is the narrowest section, which has to overcome the aerodynamic resistance of the vacuum. This section is very unfavorable, because it is up to 1200/380 = 3.15 lower than the inlet gap .. He should be at least equal to the area of ??the gap, or three such tubing from a syringe .And we have only one wing. Despite this, the fan, which is for the help transition to a higher diameters, ie D = 36 mm or 1017 mm surfaces ^ 2 ie more than two times greater than the tube Inlet, rotates, already at 4 m / sec ..and I think that this it is all very good, despite the primitive prototype, but the first on .. But it proved that way then you should follow..

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par inventor » 03/07/15, 10:12

So once again we return to the thermodynamic efficiency new4stroke .. Here the hearing of the efficiency of the charts made for the traditional engine.

You can see on the chart with the highest efficiency is low speed engine sea, which is 47%.
My engine as reported above, draws about 360 cc more than the old conventional engine, which did a prototype or 600 ccm ... But this extra volume displacement, is implemented by the system of pistons which rotate two times slower, ie, the force of inertia are four times smaller, because they are dependent upon the square of the rotation. that is, we can just to count the inertial forces relative to the sucked air further. 360 ccm divided by four is going to give us 90 cc. These 90 ccm going to beat the additional forces of inertia (ie a total of friction). But now we have a net profit of 360 ccm minus 90 cc = 270 cc. It is pure extra profit aspirated air, without any mechanical losses already on its construction .. that is entirely theoretical operational efficiency engine so it looks .. traditional engine of 600 cc is 47%, ie 12, 76 ccm is 1% plus an additional 270 cc, which is 270 divided by 12,76 = 21% additional efficiency .. So the total increase the efficiency regarding displacement capacity should be at 47 +21 = 68%. additionally, we can still make a profit energy by stopping propelling Similar systems poppet valves and springs which will have at least the 7% efficiency more .. So, the total physical ability of such an engine 68% + 7% = ~ 75% .

ie it is to increase efficiency, which can not be subject to discussion.

If we add all the above mentioned advantages, no such low temperature in the combustion chamber, the combustion speed, and more, which can contribute to higher efficiency even further by around 5% this will give us the final number of efficiency of up to 80% .....
Andrew :wave:
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par inventor » 23/07/15, 03:11

Windmills are good, but you need a wind to their work ...
But here the way we can, even in a closed room, well, for instance in the basement of the house, "produce wind" .. Just, the Starting a device, manually, to the speed of 18 m / sec..To are few, it is 1 turn per second.
I've been to all these wings Windmill Red Baron, will operate the wind, at the speed of 18 m / sec ..
If we consider, in simulator NASA and the effect of "spoon" is theoretically You will receive an strength of resistance to "lift force" (vacuum). and is about 15 times less ..
So the resistance force, it is only around 6% received "lift force"
I think that even with a very negligent and mismanagement execution of such a machine, it will propel herself after the first start-up .. And we should still get some electricity .. Case, jet just how much ..




Vane drive:



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par inventor » 26/07/15, 18:48

We must take care to harmful aerodynamic resistances as low as possible ..
Because, after all, and two revolutions per second can turn the wings .. It is 120 km / h .. Pretty on the wind.
This cover should be good.


Can of some use ..

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par inventor » 31/07/15, 04:11

If the vacuum looks like the animation spoon wings, it is seen that it has a range before the profile wings. Perhaps the the vacuum will suck the new air between the wings and hence a marked decrease their frontal resistance .. ...

Here a version with a large vane Engines .. I do not know yet what dimensions it should be .. Maybe even a big and then it will be adjusted to the amount and pressure created by the wings

Andrew :mrgreen:
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