New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Remundo » 20/07/18, 13:49

fun, but unbalanced, you should try to compensate the forces of inertia with different pistons in opposite motions.
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/07/18, 19:17

Remundo a écrit :fun, but unbalanced, you should try to compensate the forces of inertia with different pistons in opposite motions.

probably like here ... :cheesy:

Only one part of the multi-cylinder H engine can be seen on my animation. As you can see from the history, it can be 24 cylinders .. the order of ignition can also be seen in wikipedia .. If we properly think, the customs of the main cylinder system from Felix Roller, may not have ANY ONE SCREW to twisting .. :wave:

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Andrew :D
Dernière édition par inventor le 21/07/18, 19:38, édité 1 fois.
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/07/18, 19:22

Greg Locock, on 20 Jul 2018 - 09:49, said:

So where does the sliding motion take place? The oscillating arm is changing length as the pistons move.

These brown elements can be made of Teflon with bronze or graphite .. They have relatively large surface cooperation, so the pressures will not be large .. so they can be done this way ..


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 22/07/18, 03:57

Only one part of the multi-cylinder H engine can be seen on my animation. As you can see from the history, it can be 24 cylinders .. the order of ignition can also be seen in wikipedia .. If we properly think, the customs of the main cylinder system from Felix Roller, may not have ANY ONE SCREW to twisting .. :wave:

Formel 1 too :

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 23/07/18, 19:18

Well, I would not describe it better ... :lol:


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 29/08/18, 02:49

Yes, the "Monitor" Memorial Museum is in New York. I am writing that a steam fire pump invented and built by John Ericsson has saved London before burning ...
So inventor John Ericson contributed to the good history of England.
And my engine Feliks -Commer is a bit like that of a hand-operated fire pump ... ... index2.htm



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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 12/09/18, 01:21

We'll be back in time a bit, for the first project ...

Here with a sketched diagram in cylinders. the basic standard norm poped by the timing.
You can see a huge difference in capacity volume and its asymmetry ..
Adding well-done gasodynamic phenomena, the volume of one cylinder can even be 700 ccm of really sucked air, with a basic piston of 300 ccm.
Well, it's a little not surprising to receive this 200 hp at 5000 rpm with 1 liter of basic capacity ..


But of course I understand that my experience and knowledge is not needed for anyone ... You can start from the very beginning and ... lose a few years to get what I already know ...

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/12/19, 14:51

Here is the thermodynamic problem .. We have in a box, in a vacuum is a set of thermal engines with generators ... Will this set be more efficient than it would be normally installed without a box?
it's about how laws of thermodynamics work on the Equator, and how on the Pole.
Different temperatures
on the Equator 40 degrees Celsius and at the Pole - 40 degrees Celsius also for efficiency and the layout of the engine will be important ...?

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/12/19, 14:52

Unfortunately, the Carnot engine is only a fragment of the reality surrounding us related to heat engines .. But most try to explain it as a generally applicable law. In the meantime, for example, you can do a simple experiment at home with a "cold engine". Just pour cold water into the sink and put a screwed plastic drink bottle into it. We will see how it will change its shape due to the cooling of the air inside by cold water. Based on the change in its appearance, we see that also the engine would be possible on this principle. Everything is relative in physics .. But learning about heat omits many important physical quantities such as evaporation, freezing and most important - time. And theoreticians come to the conclusion that entropy is steadily increasing, but what about the scientific approach cannot be reconciled too much, because what will happen if this entropy is ever going to run out ? ;)
I present here, probably the largest heat engine that a man can build (It is suitable for the Guinness book of records ;) ) And theoretically, the pressure does not play any role in it, because the balloon from below is open .. the air heats up and the balloon can rise even at 5000 meters (record is 20,000 m), then the first balloon empties from warm air and fills the second, which thanks to the scrolling line to their tether will do electricity in the generator. Then the cycle repeats, from what we release at the top warm air and the bottom one, we fill it ... The old good principle and pressure does not play any role .. It's just a curiosity that not everything with heat is a Carnot engine ..
By the way, a hot air balloon is the longest-lasting machine in the air so far - the record is over 10 days ...
This shows because maybe there are other heat engines with higher efficiency than currently known .. Anyway. there is already a contribution to new thinking ...


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/12/19, 14:53

So here in slow motion you can see how the valve works in a four-stroke internal combustion engine .. You can see perfectly the "precision" of this mechanism .. It is best to watch it on the maximum screen .. You can see how the valve is when not pressed (and then there is a stroke of work with high pressure ) we are simply shaken by the effect of spring vibrations bouncing off the valve face and inertia .. At the bottom of this valve there is a "mushroom" which closes the way to the cylinder .. But since the valve stem dances so, the mushroom also makes such movements .. A since it performs these movements, even when it is "theoretically" closed, it really does not close the cylinder tightly, despite the fact that it is subject to a stroke pressure of up to 100 atmospheres. And we can imagine how much of this pressure escapes from the cylinder, on the effect of these "supposed" small, but very spoiling cylinder tightness, the movements of this mushroom .. Because at a pressure of 100 atmospheres, we can imagine that even a small gap, however, can even drop to 30 atmospheres make .. this mechanism is economical, and produced in virtually all internal combustion engines .. And complacency that the valve will be tight, because it presses it to the seat, high pressure in the cylinder is only the "wishful thinking" of the designers of such a system. because you can see that this is not true, because the valve sways and bounces off the socket, just when it should be closed ... This film helped me understand why my engine without these valves has such high efficiency and power, because how it receives in the cylinder, these 100 atmospheres, I will never lose my tightness all the time, closing the "valve", maybe like 2 atmospheres .. Well, but the amount of energy to use will be 3 times greater than in a traditional engine ... because 98 atmospheres .. And so on every cylinder .. adding to this even 40% more displacement, and twice as high achievable maximum revolutions, it also receives incredible power ten times greater than the original factory engine ... the load. Well, to find out about all this, I had to do [for 3 years of hard work a prototype of this engine, and say that it is so, although at first it did not seem to me at all, that so much is possible .. But it is thanks theoretically, to drive a Toddler (Fiat 126), with the same power as the original, you need a motor that will be smaller these ... 10 times .. But all this can not be determined by just watching the animations of my engine and criticizing me .. You need to spend your private million dollars to find out that this is the case ... And this film also shows that it is possible with all the imperfections of the current valve system ...
Even an indicator pressure test on an oscilloscope shows us that the pressure drops, but does not show us WHERE it escapes ... :lol:

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