New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 27/12/15, 02:40

This year, with best wishes for Christmas to all something more pleasant ..

I designed a completely new an amplifier for guitarists. Of course, for lamps, but with a completely has not used elements .. I made a prototype amplifier. Well, I think that I managed to get fairly good sound. An amplifier is built on 4 x EL34 and attached to the speaker box with two Celestion G12M .Here movie, from a small club (30 persons) in Krakow, where my friend Leszek playing for the first time in my amplifier. After a concert gave very positive opinions about the brand new, my tube amp design .. Was this opinion was correct, can you assess yourself listening as playing solo on the film of this show ... :)

And here the Silent Nigt with Christmas wishes for all ...

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 27/12/15, 02:40

Well, maybe you need to start from the simple structure ... Here a tandem bike in which the other in the rear never laze will not be ....
The experience you need to slowly gather .. the Wright brothers' first flight at the time, only 278 meters flew his machine ..


Andrew :cheesy:
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par Remundo » 27/12/15, 08:50

why not to rotate the wings ? It would become the tandemlicopter :P
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par inventor » 27/12/15, 22:16

Remundo a écrit :why not to rotate the wings ? It would become the tandemlicopter :P

Well, this wing of their forces can drive the crankshaft directly ..
Here, the animation .. The angle of attack of the wing can change either electrically or mechanically (cam) There is no need for this high energy ..

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par simplino » 28/12/15, 15:55

Not very efficient, because the speed of moving wing up and down is quite smaller than that of blades in a good wind-turbin, several times the speed of wind !!

Power is the product of force on the wing by the wing speed, which is small with a short length of movement of the crankshaft ( limited by accelerations )
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/02/18, 05:35

Well, this is my new idea ... I decided to get rid of force, guide the piston ...
 This gives an average of about 10% higher efficiency of the engine, because we do not waste energy on friction .. In marine, eolnobrotowych, so far used to be used crosshed.
Instead, I used such a machanism, based on oil like a pump, with a rope as a working element .. Because the rope can not be "pushed", I put the other such arm in motion to the other side .. And from this simple connecting rod driving the crankshaft. Thanks to this, there is no side force anywhere in the whole mechanism .. It is in a traditional design, very large force, reaching up to 1/6 of the total force in the connecting rod driving the crankshaft .. Here its size is calculated .. I think that the average 10% of the engine's reliability will be obtained. The engine has very small orots, 100 rows per minute, and I think that this will work ... In the steam locomotive, we will get rid of the slider, and its efficiency will increase significantly ..
Certainly the demand for oil, which suppressed this large friction, will be much smaller ..
Maybe someday it will go to F1 :cry: ... Guides.htm


Regards Andrew :mrgreen:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Remundo » 02/02/18, 08:51

Hi Andrew,

wow nice to have some news of you.

That's interesting frictionless design :idea:

nevertheless a bit cumbersome for the final size of the engine.
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/02/18, 14:55 ... family.mp4

The film shows that with 3 movements of the arm, the vehicle travels about 10 meters .. with a piston stroke of 50 cm, having 300 cubic centimeters of air, a liter will travel 30 meters .. from 100 liters 3 km, and from a pressure of 200 atmospheres 60 km. .. 10 such tanks, and we have a range of 600 km .. 100-liter tank is a pipe with a diameter of 24 cm and a length of 2 meters in a square meter will fit 16 such tanks .. ie in the tank 1 m x 1 m x 2 m, 200 atm, it we have a range of 1000km ... I am wrong somewhere, because through my miastenia , I have a double vision .. Such an idea for a Polish family-owned electromobile car .. And it is with us (Poland) REAL, most importantly ..
No Tesla ..:D

with a simple and light, cheap engine, pneumatic cylinder .. Just 3 cm in diameter, if the pressure is 10 atmospheres ..


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/02/18, 14:56

Well, there is one big advantage of such a crosshead. We can freely change the stroke, piston in relation to the crankshaft stroke .. For example, the stroke of the piston is the same, and the crankshaft stroke even twice as long .. Everything will depend on the demand, and what is most important in a given engine application ..
Of course, the rope has to go exactly in the axis of the piston ..

So that his way of placing the crankshaft, as you can see in the figure, from the side, will make the engine will be much lower ..
Of course, only for marine engines 102 rpm



Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/02/18, 14:57

What if you made Teflon so much ?
And maybe in diesel it would be enough to lubricate them with fuel ?

And the rolling bearings on the crank with the grease in the middle ?

This ... the engine could have been WITHOUT lubricating oil.

Just what would Castrol say ?

:smoking: :smoking:

Or maybe a carbon fiber line ?
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Andrew Feliks

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