New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 25/04/20, 10:17

, on 24 Apr 2020 - 16:44, said:

He should be a real leader and volunteer for the bleach injections first.

And with this bleach, it's a longer story ... ... Supplement

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 27/04/20, 02:19

Well, you know that I have my myasthenia, 5 years and I have confirmed AChR antibodies .. My last resort is how bad it will be to be able to make me Plasmapheresis. It is a procedure of blood exchange in my body and depriving it of harmful antibodies .. I was quite interested in it because it can concern my health directly .. It is based on the fact that from my blood, apart from my body, these antibodies are gradually removed from her and back into my bloodstream .. when it is cleansed twice, more blood than I have, it can be full. Unfortunately it is not a complete cure, but for a longer period of time .. It is a bit similar to kidney dialysis .. which also removes toxins from the body ..
And now I came up with a new method of cleansing the blood without releasing it from the body, which is much safer because the blood will not infect. The invention of the method also came after inspiration by President Trump, who dreamed of disinfecting the body from inside ..

I decided to call this method of blood disinfection Trumps Medicine. That is why I call it Medicine, because it is a completely new way, presumably allowing us to quickly get rid of many diseases of bacterial or viral nature ... that is, most of us oppressive diseases .. It consists in the vein, like during dialysis, we insert a needle, but with a needle no blood flows and we put a sterile optical fiber in it and seal the connection so that no bacteria get into the vein. Now we let in UV-C light that disinfects the blood from bacteria and viruses. Of course, we must carry out animal tests beforehand, what power of light can we use and at what frequency of spectrum ... dialysis lasts about 5 hours and a total of 50 liters of blood flows through the dialysis device .. I think that in this case turning on the UV-C socket for such a long period can effectively sterilize blood from unwanted viruses .. light can have several milliwatts in power and a pumping device for an optical fiber, this radiation can have several milliwatts and be powered by batteries .. in this way, even when walking, we can "heal" quickly and accurately .. But this requires careful analysis and selection of power, frequency, type and usage of this .. I think that for starters, tomorrow the leading laboratories should already introduce fiber optics into the veins of animals and explore this extremely promising method .. The production of a diode laser at such frequencies recently, allows the fiber to be pumped, and the exact manipulation of it. Also, after developing the method, you can absolutely choose a sterile method similar to that used in emprom memories erased by ultraviolet through a special window. Namely, such a window can be implanted in the vein, and through it do not dose this ultraviolet, which will be a completely sterile method of "treatment". Here are some links that may be helpful for developing this branch of medicine .. Because it seems to me that we will also have an impact on cytokines and storms exerted by them ... but it is experience that must show and appropriate ways .. ... ep-uv.html ... 60-315-nm/ ... 095048.htm

Andrew 8) 8)

Well, there is already a medicine for my myasthenia gravis, but because of the amount of my retirement I am not in danger of using it .. :lol:
His name is Soliris
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 27/04/20, 18:30

For now, the first animal experiment is successful Trumps Medicine and the fish don't die ...
And the leds are with or without ozone access ... I think that the newly created medicine department at the University should examine the rest and determine ...

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 06/06/20, 05:19

Why does Germany destroy nuclear power plants completely? .. after all you only need a new steam generator for coal or gas to do and the rest ready .. Do not demolish but only rework ...

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par sicetaitsimple » 06/06/20, 14:34

You should have a look to an efficiency comparison ( electrical output/ thermal input) and typical steam characteristics ( pressure, temperature) between:
- A PWR or BWR typical nuclear steam cycle
- a state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant
- a state-of-the-art gas turbine combined cycle.

Normally, you will understand that Germans electricity producers (and others) are not so crazy!
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 10/06/20, 05:40

Well, I will explain why the dose of this UV-C may be microscopic .. because the vein has a small diameter, maybe 3 mm, and the intensity of UV-C light decreases with the second power (with a square distance) ) at such a small distance, the light is very close to the virus, and even its low intensity will damage its DNA ..

You have to bury some in the history of medicine .. They tried UV with it a long time ago ... EIMm39_mDM ... 7wjBdMBYnk

Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 12/06/20, 03:35

sicetaitsimple a écrit :You should have a look to an efficiency comparison ( electrical output/ thermal input) and typical steam characteristics ( pressure, temperature) between:
- A PWR or BWR typical nuclear steam cycle
- a state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant
- a state-of-the-art gas turbine combined cycle.

Normally, you will understand that Germans electricity producers (and others) are not so crazy!

As you can see in the movies, how they blow up quite good cooling towers, which are needed for each type of cycle, but I have reason to think about their madness and wastefulness ... besides, even if a new steam system would not be that efficient, however, thanks to the fact that he is free and can cover the losses he possibly brings compared to "peak achievements", idealists playing with us at our expense ..

Andrew :cheesy:
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par inventor » 15/07/20, 16:32

inventor a écrit :In my latest solving the oscillatory dynamo, a diode who exchanged the changeable oscillatory electricity for the electricity about the permanent polarity was crucial element
Such an element fulfilling identical functions as the diode exists in the hydraulics of theses. There is a valve one-sidedly letting it in to water. it is opening for example only then when the pressure from the feeding side exceeds certain described by the threshold e.g. 10 bars. When the pressure is on the feeding side it is smaller, the valve is closing it oneself. and doesn't allow for moving back waters.

The principles of operation are the same like at pumping the bicycle wheel up with pump, but will refer to water. In this way we can hold. in the pipeline pressure e.g. 10 bars, and from leaking out of the pipeline who will be above the pump e.g. 100 meters will be sailing out water.
The one straight line I decided to use the principle for the production of the electric current with the help of sea waves. Although he is supposed to produce the electricity, it is being imported these are for inflating the problem waters sea into the container with water sea e.g. to height 100 of meters, or similar (e.g. on high cliff seashore). The rest is known and professionally made as the normal power station aqueous, but in this case she will be to sea brine. isn't buying it special one should actually solve the difference, only a matter of the precipitated corrosion .

Particularly that such a very similar solution was already on an island applied Okinawa, in the version of the power station pumped storage (but pumping into the container with the help of the electric energy- classic pumped storage).

Into my to pump the version this brine there will be sea waves driving water pumps with valves with diodes into the container Leaking in water only in direction of the container. pipes from pumps into the container will also have middle diameter, in order to in the time of whom from valves, not to waste the energy from different good pumps. Unfortunately the number can reach such pipes even 1000, at the productivity every e.g. 1 m^ 3 / sec.
But by it we can get the power of such a power station 1000 of the MW .

Costs of making such a power station will also be smaller, since for her devices won't have to pump water into the container how it is in classical power stations of this type. Machines will be so like by a normal hydroelectric power plant straight lines and no high cost.


Also shortened descriptions Polish pumped - storage to slight differences of the water levels (100 m) is describing ... 7463&i=260 or

Gross from many centuries of coasts England and Ireland they were attacked by marine waves .
People built obstacle for these waves sometimes, that they did not prevent from life on islands.
I think that would end this immemorial war goods , and invite this ocean on coast, but that it is high, it belongs it help. It belongs to take advantage it waves, in order to they pumped on its high coast of water.
I think, so around England , Ireland , North America ,shall made this power plant.
More belongs to place in ocean for water pomp e.g.

Pistons type , or my idea half rotate, which will drive usual floats clinched for they behind assistance of rope. Ordinary belongs to place behind each pump bolts, which will be opened e.g. at 10 kG/cm2 (Acting similar for diode I my oscillating dynamo) and which for collect tubes for reservoir on high coast miss water drive it.
Collecting tube should for example for flow 1 m3/sec 0,6 m have diameter.



For achievement in such this collecting tube of flow 1 m3/sec and 10 bar , requirement 12 pump wanted for transport water on according to following specification 100 m height too reservoir.

Pump reconciles, for simplification about normal piston, should have 0,6 m diameter, and 3 m of height. During average jump of rippling 2 m, it will give during one cycle for composite tube 0,5 m3 water pushed (S= 28 dcm2 H= 20 dcm (2 meter) = 560 dcm3 (liter). For set up flow 1 m3, TWO such pumps should pump for collecting tube.
For proper fabrication of pressure on exit of pump ( set up 10 bar ), wanted proper swimmer is.
There is simple account surface of piston of pump will together page (S) x 100 surface of swimmer.
In my example, surface of piston of pump it 28 dcm2, it signifies that swimmer)should have 2800 dcm2. In order to swimmer had such surfaces, it must have 20 m diameter, and definitely 1 m of height. It needs one kit about 12 pumps 12 swimmers 20 m each diameter, or about dimension one swimmer 12 x28 m2= 336 m2.

For behavior some reasonable spans, it is possible to accept, that for such array for production capacity 1 m3/sec 10 bar, wanted near 700 m2 place rippling sea .

Need for continuous supplying tank for power station theoretically 700 m3/s (716 MW , 100 m height ) requirement 700 x 700m2 = 490000 m2 rippling sea . It is theoretically only 700 m x 700 m !, when 2 m average heights of waves.

Here, mathematical enumeration same only:

To 1m3/ sec
1 m^3/sec 10 bar(H=100m ), 600 mm diameter pipe and piston pump, S= 28 dcm2 Hwave= 20 dcm (2 meter) = 560 dcm3 (litre) for 1 m3 need 2 piece . but period are 6 sec , sum 6x 2 = 12 piece pump .

S pump= 28 dcm2 , 10 bar, F =28 T, Hfloat >1m, S float ~~=2800 dcm2 (28 m2) , D float =~~20m
12 piece x28m2 =336 m2 ~~ =100m x 7m using area =700 m2

700 MW (700 m3/sec), H=100m
700 m2 x 700 = 350000 m2 . ~~700m x 700m area of wave

As elements are presented from marine waves over system production current professional , they are built in the world already and test, additional requirement of experience for their building not.
Another, very important information in relation to the system. System the one should be only as storage, rather than storage-pumped what significantly the height of investments will lower in comparing to current answers. Costs will only be so like for an ordinary hydroelectric power plant
Only water pumps with valves (diode) can so that touch up still and selected materials. but in general, it is piston pump known for the antiquity. Summing up, mechanical problems are solved, and with the appropriate swing one should only build such a power station.
The degree of the safety of such containers will also be very high, since put very close the sea, in case of the breakdown of unsealing, they won't cause heavy losses, since water quickly will find its way back to the sea.

I think that wonderful geographical conditions will permit on high cliff Scotland England and Ireland, to build such containers into whom sea, highest waves will be pumping brine on average in world a lot. it means that the efficiency of such a system will be most effective in world, and therefore built containers should be around these countries what in the future can guarantee the green energy for all countries Europium.

Regards Andrew :cheesy:

There is strength in water ... I discovered it in 2008, publishing how to obtain electricity from sea waves in a relatively easy way. You need sea water with the help of waves, pump to a high sea shore to a large salt water tank ... .. For pumping, use thousands of small water pumps, driven by small floats .. Recently, I even managed to find a film that perfectly explains to everyone what I mean .. Instead of a man, you should put a water pump, which with the help of a float these 100 l of water will pump .. You should set up such layouts, one hundred or two hundred, cover them with the entire sea shore .. The way I came to this is in my publications, since 2008

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/08/20, 16:03

One person 100 Kg 1 meter up and down gives 1 KW each time...


Of course, railings in such a "power plant" are not necessary ..

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 06/08/20, 09:43

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