New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 12/02/20, 22:05

Interesting properties of such an engine .. At a tower height three times greater, we will also receive 3 times more torque on the power output shaft, while we provide the same amount of heat per second....


What if the 10 ray tower was ...? it will also be 10 times more energy ...
The only limitations are the realities of technical possibilities ..
But theoretically, the energy received can go to ... infinity ...


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/02/20, 18:02

Wuzak, on 12 Feb 2020 - 06:31, said:

Are you assuming that the hot air is still the same temperature at the top, when the bucket turns over to let the exhaust air escape?

Which would mean that you are creating power without extracting any heat energy.

Yes, thanks for the right thinking on the project ... Alone in the beginning, I described these balloons as the largest heat engine ... ..
But you can not say that it is a heat engine, because it just does not lose heat, and gives energy ..
This escaping heat can be reused by building a roof at the top that will collect it and bring it back to the bottom of the device for refilling.
By creating good thermal insulation, the heat lost will be minimal, and only theoretically we will have to supplement the heat lost as a result of putting it into the atmosphere, and not as a result of its loss for the work.
So it's not a classic heat engine, despite the fact that it uses heat ..


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 19/02/20, 21:37

Well, I see that I need to do the mathematical calculations step by step ...
so we have a 14m x 20m x 10m = 2800m ^ 3 bucklet ... he gives STRING at these 80 degrees Celsius those 500 KG of strength ... in a line, ALL bucklets give a total thrust of 12 x 500 KG = 6000 KG .
Now the pulling wheels have a diameter of 20 meters, i.e. a radius of 10 meters .. So we get a torque of 6000 x 10 m = 60,000 Kgm.
The circulation time of 1 bouquet is 100 seconds on this road 500 meters. or 500 meters divided by the circumference of the wheel, i.e. PI x D, 3, 14 x 20 m = 62 m, i.e. 500m / 62m = 8 turns, to overcome this path ... So one turn, that is 100 seconds / 8 = 12, 4 seconds lasts, i.e. 60 / 12.4 = 4.83 RPM per minute, on the wheel shaft,
The power we get with such parameters is 4, 63 rev / min x 60,000 kgm = 335 HP.

But now we can build it in a shaft dug in the ground, every 1000 meters deep, which is not a problem, and still part above the ground ..
And of course further permutations ..


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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 19/03/20, 04:38

So you certainly know that for 5 years I have been sick with Miastenia Gravis, which significantly slowed down my activities, even in the possibility of performing cool animations, etc. .. But it also sometimes prevents everyday life ... I take medicine four times a day,
Pyridostigmine, under the name Mestinon. This medicine was discovered in 1935 by Mary Broadfoot Walker and is described as the MIRACLE of St.Alfege's. ... BYLDCp4kWg
Thanks to this MIRACLE, I can live quite normally, although up to 70% of people who had it died before this disease. This is a very rare disease, which even most doctors do not know, which causes muscle weakness, including breathing, which caused death. During this time I had dozens of cases that my breathing was not as it should be due to various events, for example, a cold or prosaic forgetting to take the Mestinon drug, which works only 5 hours. Then when I was lying in bed I could not breathe ... But I practiced that you had to get up and sit in a comfortable chair, with the head back in quite a significant way it makes my breathing easier because I don't have to overcome the weight of my chest ... I was supposed to wait this period of 60 minutes before Mestinon starts working, because it absorbs and starts working only after those 60 minutes .. Then I could lie down in bed and fall asleep peacefully ... So I practiced dozens of times if I have difficulty breathing , I have to sit in a comfortable chair with a good head support, which makes breathing easier, even if I don't have a respirator ... I even fell asleep in it a few times and sleep almost all night. That's why I think how people they have breathing problems, for example because of the Covid-19 coronavirus, it would also be easier for them to breathe in such a sitting position in an armchair or deckchair ... and then they would not have to count on the assistance of a respirator .. Of course, oxygen can be given tube . also, in this sedentary position. Well, I think they would not require a supportive respirator that could be for the more severely ill.

My thoughts and advice therefore give me that, among other things, for the treatment of coronavirus also tried the medicine Tocilizumab, which is also effective The city of Gravis .. Well, I think that the use of a regular mask in already sick people is unnecessary, because it makes it difficult to get rid of the virus from inside the body, and it is known that the severity of the infection is determined by the amount of bacteria, so if nothing will hinder leaving the body, the disease may be milder .. Similar to vaccination - a small amount of germs does not cause the disease, but only makes it resistant to it .. Therefore, retaining germs with a mask in sick people is highly inappropriate ..
Once on the forum I received from someone such a nice cap with the words Super Genius ".... now I modified it and added two spotlights with LEDs UV-C, or a similar UV.C lamp with a power of 7 watts, which will actively kill viruses 2 x 2 m in front of us .. It's good that it has a visor, because UV is harmful to the eyes .. But we can only use it when there is a high probability of infection, not all the time ..
Anyway, active in the alcove with the virus, you can use an old street lamp, in which you should gently break the outer bulb, and the filament itself will be left, which sends a lot of disinfecting UV light ... But also great attention to the eyes ... But, for example, hands can be in it "Drip".


I also think that patients could be put into the Solarium for five minutes , four times a day, then they would come home well tanned and with more vitamin D, which would increase their immunity ... :)
Greetings to everyone and I fight with my myasthenia, because for now it is incurable ... But what I have already experienced thanks to it, describes it, because it may be useful to others ... Maybe some MIRACLE will come again ??

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 28/03/20, 05:30

Have you thought about re-designing the ventilator so that it could be easily manufactured, perhaps even DIY made at home?[/quote]

Thank you for your concern .. Vertilizer is a difficult thing, you can not do it at home .. But such a manual UV_C yes, to kill viruses can be done at home. I used to have to illuminate printed circuits made by myself .. Also, a face mask can have a secondary hose attached to such a system with a UV-C LED for water transfer in the aquarium .. if you add such a toy to the mask tube, it will show the air we breathe or exhale .. the power supply can be from a Power-Pack 10000 mah. The toy has a power of 0.5 watts, so for a few hours is enough .. and we only need about 1 liter of air every 8 seconds, so it seems that the performance would be sufficient ..

The most important thing is that you are sick if you don't force anyone to wear a regular mask, because if we prevent leaving our body with viruses in a natural way, we can even bear the flu with ordinary flu ... You can see in the film how many drops in viruses leave we don't stop it by anything .. When we have a facial mask, most viruses stay in our mouths and our immune system will not be able to cope with it so much that he can recover quickly ... So my advice is how sick you are you can't wear a normal mask, but only turn away from people when you sneeze, so as not to infect them ... Well, maybe this mask with my UV-C diode can also help ...

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 28/03/20, 05:36

Some detail more..

Well, when it comes to fans, I also have this way: Because not all patients need this sophisticated equipment like a ventilator, I propose to use in lighter cases oxygen, but from such relatively cheap medical oxygen concentrators. they are cheap, it's probably easy and fast, they can be manufactured and at least partially replace respirators, which also require very specialized service. Such a concentrator, every person caring for a sick person will be able to properly handle ...

Andrew 8)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/04/20, 02:02

Hope all goes well for you Andrew.

Have you thought about re-designing the ventilator so that it could be easily manufactured, perhaps even DIY made at home?

This is what they wrote in Medonet in 2015 ... how to treat pneumonia ... no masks ... "It is very important to keep the airways open. Cough, pat the chest, breathing exercises (lying with legs bent in the knees, we breathe in deeply through the nose with the stomach stuffing out and slowly exhaling through the mouth with the stomach pulling in - 3 times a day for 15 minutes.) Also, you need to give large amounts of fluid, about 2 liters per day. A nutritious but easily digestible diet is also important. "

and they do Chinese people, that's why they have so many heals ... and I would still recommend doing a robot that would be trapped by people before they go to the respirator. ... za45zjqExk

Ruxin Medical - a device for artificial cough
Artificial cough devices remove mucus from the respiratory tract of patients under artificial ventilation. These devices can help hospitals treat coronavirus victims, many of whom suffer from pneumonia and need artificial ventilation. It is a less invasive and less contact alternative to the traditional way of phlegm removal, in which the nurse disconnects the patient from the machine and uses a catheter to suck out secretions.

Ruxin Medical is a Chinese startup that sells CoughSync, an artificial cough device. The device was originally developed in Israel and is intended for people who use fans. The device simulates a normal cough, thus helping patients with pneumonia get rid of phlegm. CoughSync is a more natural and less invasive alternative to conventional methods of removing secretions from the patient's airways. here what is samipisza ..
"The CoughSync automatic airway clearance system removes patient secretions during invasive ICU ventilation without interrupting ventilation, and is the first real alternative to invasive catheter suction in this clinical population.

CoughSync is an accessory compatible with most ICU ventilators and uses proprietary RXmed In-Line Mechanical InExsufflation (IL-MIE) technology to remove secretions from the airways by simulating the dynamics of natural cough air flow.

This is the 21st century application of the related and tested concept of secretion removal from the 1950s. "

probably if they did a job to trap the sick, then 100% of eliminated mortality would be ... but this system is enough to simulate a natural cough ... And of course without a respirator, you must not help any "masks" to excuse this excretion through a natural cough. It is a common mistake of medical art when you do it ... Enough of this stupid "mask fashion" for the sick, which only goes well in the pictures ...

That is probably why in China it is possible to stop the pandemic ...
Not only pills

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/04/20, 18:39

inventor a écrit :So you certainly know that for 5 years I have been sick with Miastenia Gravis, which significantly slowed down my activities, even in the possibility of performing cool animations, etc. .. But it also sometimes prevents everyday life ... I take medicine four times a day,
Pyridostigmine, under the name Mestinon. This medicine was discovered in 1935 by Mary Broadfoot Walker and is described as the MIRACLE of St.Alfege's. ... BYLDCp4kWg
Thanks to this MIRACLE, I can live quite normally, although up to 70% of people who had it died before this disease. This is a very rare disease, which even most doctors do not know, which causes muscle weakness, including breathing, which caused death. During this time I had dozens of cases that my breathing was not as it should be due to various events, for example, a cold or prosaic forgetting to take the Mestinon drug, which works only 5 hours. Then when I was lying in bed I could not breathe ... But I practiced that you had to get up and sit in a comfortable chair, with the head back in quite a significant way it makes my breathing easier because I don't have to overcome the weight of my chest ... I was supposed to wait this period of 60 minutes before Mestinon starts working, because it absorbs and starts working only after those 60 minutes .. Then I could lie down in bed and fall asleep peacefully ... So I practiced dozens of times if I have difficulty breathing , I have to sit in a comfortable chair with a good head support, which makes breathing easier, even if I don't have a respirator ... I even fell asleep in it a few times and sleep almost all night. That's why I think how people they have breathing problems, for example because of the Covid-19 coronavirus, it would also be easier for them to breathe in such a sitting position in an armchair or deckchair ... and then they would not have to count on the assistance of a respirator .. Of course, oxygen can be given tube . also, in this sedentary position. Well, I think they would not require a supportive respirator that could be for the more severely ill.

Andrew 8) ... index.html

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 24/04/20, 15:42

Thank you, Mr. President, for supporting UV sterilization of coronavirus! . This is really a good way, especially if we breathe through the tube in which the UV-C leds are mounted for a certain length ... 3 watts of power can clean the inhaled air from coronaviruses which are smaller than 0, 0001 mm, burst their genetic code. .
Also a visit to Solariuon 3 times a day for 4 minutes, will not hurt anyone, and will kill billions of wurus, while supporting our immune system with vitamin D, which after winter we do not have much ...

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 25/04/20, 00:03

Well, the UV view was updated, after the cretics, but they still claim that "nobody knows" ... of course, the use of special glasses from Solarium is still not mentioned, **** a stupid that is harmful to the eyes. There is also no mention of the possibility of disinfection of air in opaque tubes through which we can breathe and it will be free from viruses, and only harmful to them, because the tube will be a cover for us against this UV ... Patients in the room can also be temporarily covered, and thus cover before this UV disinfectant .. Besides, people have been going to Solaria for a long time and know what and how, However, the article clearly shows that someone is not on hand such methods .. the article was updated on 24.04.2020 ... lGWj2MDv0w

And one more revealing text from the article "And when the virus is in your body, no amount of UV radiation will affect whether you are infected." .... but it will affect whether you recover or die ... because if there are fewer viruses in the body, the immune system will fight it ... of course, no mask for the same reason must not be worn on the face ...

Andrew.. 8)
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