New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 17/12/14, 21:54

Santa Claus is always something for Christmas will bring a gift. This year a new type of Venturi nozzle ..
Christmassy greetings


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par inventor » 24/12/14, 20:11

Before I made with cast iron heads, first I made a model of plywood comp. as you can see, the intake windows were on both sides of the head., but as I started to count the inlet surfaces, it turned out that the total window area of the inlet, is much greater than the surface of the cylinder bore intake ... is 6.2 cm, or 30 cm surface .Circumference square of this cylinder is 19.5 cm, as you can see in the picture plywood3, windows may be by 2/3 of the circumference of the cylinder, which is 13 cm ..but they are high up on the 2.5 cm .. that is, their total area is 32 5 cm square ... so and so will be the smallest spot diameter of the cylinder inlet. The primary piston is only 1 cm bigger than the cylinder, so I thought that the windows on one side will be sufficient ..


Mary Christmas for all
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par Remundo » 24/12/14, 22:41

yes Andrew,

And happy new year !! Full of Venturi nozzles and other special ideas ! :P
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par inventor » 28/12/14, 22:10

Originally Posted by FM View Post
All that was not my point.
(Felix/Andrew) ''I think that you should carefully read my poste, and certainly you will become a proponent of my solutions, and we will not have to cry after drowning our children in the future''
Any translations can and will be misconstrued. Many times it's changed into something reverse all because of one word and it's meaning.
OK, as per foam in the unused cavities of airplanes as flotation.
If it were solidly attached, it would take away the flexibility of the wing thus becoming brittle. BAD
One cannot loosely insert it either, it will vibrate into something that needs to move. And in a crash, it will float away. BAD
Any foam is weight, that airplanes don't need. The empty fuel tanks are supposed to float, when not damaged. BAD

"IF" metal can be made with micro air pockets throughout its material and still be strong, it could/would work. GOOD
I also suggested Helium in all the vacant spaces, the amount that can be stored is minimal. SAD
This was something I talked about about 50 years ago in science class. But back then technology of materials was still in its infancy.

SOOOoo, we still live and learn.

Have a THINK on this, Anti-Gravity and Solar Waves.Quote

So you do not have to wait long for a feed proved that once again we have affair with a sunken airplane ... Meanwhile, he also flew from Krakow to Detroit twice across the Atlantic and A340 and Jumbo aircraft. I sat by the window and watched the wings and I thought about the foam. However, I think that it would really help
Can only tell you to do so: in special forms do some moldings, located very loosely in the spaces provided to fill. These profiles can be very much Obviously done a good proven polystyrene. Now this: you have each of these shapes covered with a soft and very durable sponge rubber on the thickness of 5 mm .We will protect it from vibrations and movements fitting styrofoam plates. Also, will not be affected on a vibrating plate. The argument that all this will increase the aircraft Tare is the argument of a man who himself did not ask how much trouble counting foam airplane needs to not sink. So I counted, and calculations show that the hedgehog plane will have 1% of its weight in the foam inserted into the cavities, it is no longer sink .. 1% of it is really a negligibly small. This is so that even on very sensitive weight, this can not be measured at all .. So the weight is negligible, and it can not be an argument against inserting foam .. I much in his life flew planes in the former USSR with concerts Polish bands (about 100 flights) Sometimes, even in the cockpit, as we had a charter plane to piped music .. I know that I would willingly pilots landed on the water, because it reduces the risk of fire, but need to have confidence that the plane did not sink ..
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par inventor » 10/03/15, 10:18

Next video of the Red Baron Windmill prototype "Effect spoons" ... Now, despite the simplicity of the prototype and are not necessarily matched the gap between the wing and the small fan, already takes off at a speed of 25 km / hour or 7 m / sec wind speed. At 40 km / h, the fan spins very quickly., Much better. than in the experiment with a single wing ..

Regards Andrew :cheesy:
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par inventor » 10/03/15, 10:19

Here another video. The world's first Aerodynamics effect acting through blowing mouth. After puff heard hitting one wing of the second, and it's a loud ..

The pictures show the device to adjust the distance and angle between the wings
Yet research curiosity. Windmill spins better when opening the other wing is not blocked ..





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par inventor » 06/04/15, 23:45

Now why I summoned Riccardo..Ricardo developed fairly firebox V-Comet .. Especially in diesel played a significant role - helped make a high speed diesel engine .In my also applied the swirl chamber, knowing about its merits. The eyebrow appearances, this is what you see on the animation, this is not the combustion chamber. It is only the cross section through the center of the engine combustion . At the rear, with the cross-sectional view as seen in the picture, it is a channel connecting the piston "sucking" piston "exhaust". Flows this way the entire load of fuel and air, but it achieves a very high speed, which in the initial attempts resulted in taking ionized air from between the spark plug electrodes and prevented the formation of spark .Only after a magnification of this channel, began to develop a spark. If sweeping spark plug, this place was a diesel injector, it would be very beneficial ,, because after falling into the space above the small pistons with a very high speed, it would be very intense spin and excellent mixing of fuel and air. I think it is possible to build a high speed diesel, well, up to 10 000 RPM. Also on gasoline this spinning is beneficial and Ground your walls on the smallest piston, is probably the smallest of the previously used, and the heat losses are the smallest .Also at such a high speed of rotation of the smallest piston samozaplonów foci formation will be very difficult. Apart from this place, burning virtually runs elsewhere, because the distance between the planes must be greater than two millimeters in height, so that there could arise a flame. In total combustion occurs with forced intensive centrifugation only over a small piston in the cylinder least .. This is the very Riccardo improved swirl chamber, with the movement of loads in one direction and forced mechanically great speed of combustion. Looking only at the same animations, we are not able to notice it all properly. Today on the combustion chamber.


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par inventor » 06/04/15, 23:46

Once got for free the new "Porsche"? I got it, although in the smaller scale, but after that "Porsche" is "Porsche"
I was once at the Centre for Research and Development "Porsche" in Weissach in Germany yet ... I looked through patents "Porsche", and they mine, and it gave opinions .. they said they do not do those of their even, because they have no money .. But apparently I recognition, because "Porsche" I ..
So in general, this visit was pretty inspiring ..



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par inventor » 17/04/15, 10:29

Here, the film made using the experience to lift air wing. So yes, at the beginning of the film can be seen in the enclosure fan that blows the wind a piece of the wing, cut the stropianu, and nałożonegona these two metal rods that utzrymuja it in a horizontal position and transferred to the balanced Machinery with electronic scales, which shows the size of the wing lift when the wind blows at him with a fan .. size of this force is minimal and barely can observe the movement of machinery. The experience is best several possible KINDS wings of varying thickness profile, which can be changed in a device measuring and watch the size of the lift (which produces leaf vacuum) .. Thanks to this I like the wing of a set of experiments, it turned around and walked to the wing installed on your device . The wind from the fan created between them, comparatively very high vacuum. This vacuum is so huge that in gets called when I wanted to raise above the upper wing, lower, despite a solid metal load measuring machine, also raised very high up. This example shows that the strength of Spoon Effect, is several times greater than the single wing lift force, and thus, it is possible to use the vacuum between them several times larger ....
You see, with my theory, practice works well also.. ... ture=share

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par inventor » 17/04/15, 10:30

Here on this simulation, made to explain the effect of ground on which it is about as shown in red, the increase in pressure, which float plane in the vicinity of the land that it represents a lower profile. And it is clear that the intensity of the red color that hypertension is very high and justifies the construction of such aircraft .it strongly an increased pressure in paktyce operates up to 3 meters above the flat surface of the earth
Coincidentally, in this simulation also shows a very intense blue vacuum which interests me, for good performance Windmill Red Baron. can be seen clearly very intense blue color, providing the emerging high-vacuum, which practically see in the video above .. Here are not only rake angles are important, but also the distance between these profiles, as well as setting between the longitudinal profiles, which is not necessarily also be symmetric. Also there is a completely new profile with a gap, certainly will little affect on its size.
After these few facts, I can estimate that the vacuum, with well-chosen all dimensions and angles profiles can be 20 times larger than the negative pressure created by a single profile .. It is a very good message for the Red Baron Windmill

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