New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 22/05/14, 00:55

Rely on nice weather I visited on a walk Aviation Museum in Krakow, to see what's new, you can see .. Oh, and I saw a passenger plane Ilyushin Il-14, which was taken off the canopy flaps wings .. Turns out there can be visible between the ribs on the insert shapes Styrofoam quite calmly, there's nothing there, outside the free space .. judging by the number would be that of the keel cubic meters ....




Andrew :D
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par inventor » 31/05/14, 11:35

Thanks Desmo of reminding us of the man who he liked the various interesting things to do ..

This V8 Fireworks do not read my posts carefully and do not know that the inside of the wings is ... nothing ..

Well it looks like jeszce wing in cross-section, ie Naca Felix. and this is the name of the family that founded and requires determine what gaps, gfzie placed on which profiles also those bumps to the network, probably can be hundreds of types ..


Here .. I will do my prototype which acts from the top of the second wing multiplied by quantity and quantity received vacuum ..

Of course, you should quite carefully chosen angles of attack these wings and the distance between them ....

Then the pair of wings are fastened to the treadmill, instead of oxen to the appropriate spin speed and expected energy ....:hehe:


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 31/05/14, 11:35

Posted Today, 04:22
gruntguru, on 27 May 2014 - 00:58, said:
My money is on the oxen.. /quote

Oxen can become sick and will die. Besides then you must have 3 pairs of these oxen after 8 hours of work .. You know how much they eat ? Not unless you are very rich .. :rolleyes:

can be several such pairs of wings with several compartments assemble and put on the ends of the pipes that supersede the broken windmill propeller .. There, at the end of the speed will be about 1 Mach .. Now you are at the disposal of the entire lift (lift) or how to get from the calculation of the efficiency of the above , about 7% of it you'll already have excess energy for 24 hours...

of course, each chamber will give others a vacuum, and therefore they must propel the various dimensions of the turbine, but connected on one axis ..

of course the whole family Naca Felix mission to be present. This is only the second descendant ..:rolleyes:

then are the chances of get sick of the high efficiency ..

The most important thing .. You know that the oxen have yet to clean up? ..:laugh:



Andrew :cheesy:
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par inventor » 09/06/14, 18:50

No, if anyone can stop the "Physics" from the next disaster? . I do not have the strength to tell you how you should do it ... with 2-meter tunnel adjacent to one another and having a hole at the top, through which a whole this stuff will affect them, and can be removed .. This method of freezing is crazy dangerous because it can destabilize the ground beneath the reactors .. Every physicist should know that water freezes into ice, its volume increases by 10% .. why iceberg floats .. ai thanks on the road doing spring breakthroughs .. and here such a "breakthrough" they want to do the reactors, which may lead them, the 40-meter deep freeze, to improve the soil by 10%, which is 4 meters .. what happens to them, it is not difficult to foresee * as it has imagination, and not just academic titles ... If someone does not know what it is ice here, please : .. Besides, this water accumulates on the ice must continue to have some outlet, because it is not a "black hole" ... Help!

Andrew :evil:
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par inventor » 11/06/14, 11:19

Well, the couple is also reasonable and imagination of people .. I do not feel so lonely ..:rolleyes: ... ent-531509

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 24/07/14, 00:00

Here are many pictures of these in one movie ..

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par inventor » 31/08/14, 15:45

Here historical figure .. then only the best solution was graph paper .. Figure was every day for 1 month used, when did this lathe crankshaft. The crankshaft has five supports and four crank, 90 degrees .. starting weight of the material (iron containing 5% cobalt) was 80 kg (160 lb) is the world's first practical crankshaft timing ..


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 31/08/14, 15:46

And here's how it looks in the original .. It is not enough to come up with a way to the engine ... still need to know how to realize ... only together give a true effect ..


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par inventor » 05/11/14, 22:57

Greetings to all from the Engine Expo 2014 in Novi Detroit ....




I'm worried, because you will be some news about this new engine somehow obtain. As I wrote above, only 25% of the engines messages may come in handy .. The rest 75% you have to re-learn ..

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 18/11/14, 22:44

Here are the materials you can download a PDF of the conference .. I am at the end of the first day, as it was in the schedule ... /index.php ... view=drill

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