New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 29/08/08, 23:36

And GIF animations :


Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 03/09/08, 23:55

I find a beautiful array :

At last something happens .

In my oscillating dynamo I help cellular telephone IC Lm 2621.
May be cellular telephone need advanced mechanic?? :idea:

If put in cellular telephone mechanic automatic movement,using in mechanic clock, and miniature electric generator drive it, we don't need charge cellular telephone.Phone will be loaded on our result of traffic, obvious as there will be in our pocket

Some parts and principle work of automatic movement:






Perhaps, we must use e.g. 6 such systems, in order to can be charge phone goods .?
Same philosophy : no one big , many little.

May be Swiss precision it will astonish again . :D

Regards Andrew :D
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par Lietseu » 04/09/08, 00:56

inventor a écrit :
Macpherson a écrit :question de lubrification

What think: This engine are possible "ceramic" engine without oil ?? :D :D
Regars Andrew :D :D

Et bien ,je lis ce que je peu, et j'ai l'impressionque ce mec est un génie de la mécanique! :P

On croirait un extra terrestre qui veut parler avec nous, problèmes, on ne parle pas sa langue et son anglais sans être mauvais et purement technique donc dur ,dur! de quel pays est il?et pourquoi nous innonder de ses images de moteurs fous,

On dirait qu'il est en phase de créativité sans borne,c'est le Mozart de la mécanique!!!

Merci de me tuyauter!
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par inventor » 07/09/08, 11:58

My propose for yacht: On highest point of mast instead of flag,for example,box belongs to place with such array: 20 pcs X 20 pcs X 60 pcs systems (50 cm x 50cm x 30 cm). All 24000 system's. And I think, so enough for made electric energy for yacht. Without any fuel. :cheesy:

There is possible build closest house fiberglass mast too and we insert dynamo in this highest place. When wind blows this e.g 15 meter mast too have some movement.
Without barrier for birds , and no sound effect. And looks better :idea:

Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 12/09/08, 11:46

My propose new
Differential Gear.I'ts first design.


Without any cogged gear, and if we will employ oiled lubrication solid ball bearing (closed), then work is possible without oil oiling .Polyurethane HD belt.
I am some, that such will work without that noises differential . :frown:

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 20/09/08, 12:43

My friend ( architect and musician) has said that it distrusts springs." Because if it can crack, then sometime it will crack sure." I agre with his think:


And my vision Pack of oscillating dynamo:


Regards Andrew :D
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par Remundo » 21/09/08, 18:40

inventor a écrit :My propose new
Differential Gear.I'ts first design.


Without any cogged gear, and if we will employ oiled lubrication solid ball bearing (closed), then work is possible without oil oiling .Polyurethane HD belt.
I am some, that such will work without that noises differential . :frown:

Regards Andrew :D

Hello inventor,

Nice idea, no noise about gearings, but what about the vibrations entailed by the rods which are not balanced ?

Nevertheless, another idea is an application of it concerning the continuously variable transmissions :idea:
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par inventor » 28/09/08, 00:10

Why I don't like spring:
Yes, discus about advantages and disadvantages of spring a re start
Some video, what spring of poped can make :-)

I thik, so pistons valve , and rod eliminate this "play sprig".
Mass too is better solutions.

Regards Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 12/10/08, 02:40

Farthest development at one pivot stand differential animations, but this time about 180 degrees removed rod. Permutation is possible about 90 degrees definitely too.My be It's help if torque will not have a linear relationship But which setup will be better, as yet, I do not know
To develop simile Torsen torque biasing and traction management too.


regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 15/10/08, 23:39

You see this animations?


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Andrew Feliks

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