New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 02/02/08, 15:40

Sory, this information can ordered first.

Special electric "Damper":


Each wheel singly are possible "hand weight", operation switch and give necessary portion pulses. Pilot (partner)no need circus game work.

In F1 each wheel are possible tuning too maximum adhesion. :idea:

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 23/02/08, 00:40

50 pc about 2500 Ibs ~~ 1250 KG in 10 cm radius : give about 125 KGm torque each.

Along rock or McPherson.

Without diferential , drive axle and obviously gearbox with clutch.
Truck all whell drive.
Diesel alternator and 4x4 without diflock.

Andrew :roll:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 05/03/08, 23:49


You do not know accidentally where disappear two small valve pistons ??? :):)

translate atomat:Vous ne savez pas par hasard où disparaissent deux petits pistons de valve???:):)

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 06/03/08, 17:19

New mutation oscillating dynamo:

Best professional simulatins wave:ansys .com

example simulations wave:

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 24/03/08, 13:30

Litlle HorsePowerMeter

Tongues in engines manner of measurement of amount of mechanical horse.
Each engine owns invariable parameters about definite , like :
Sum of inertia mass, sum inertia springs, chains ,valves,etc.

Each model of engine has this parameters exactly SAME !!

And if for example, we want it without load for 4000 RPM ,at same time , we need exactly SAME horsepower.
It is principle my idea: Horse Power Meter.

Manner of measurement Horse Power:
Car is stop !!
We have running engine in idle RPM.
We need only same impulse classic RPM meter
Next we push and press i electronic meter switch "measurement"
Next we must push throttle in FULL .
Engine go to eg 5000 RPM.
Electronic measurement TIME with special SOFT , how long engine going measurement period 3000 rpm to 4000 rpm . This TIME are equivalent horsepower of engine.
Little power -long time , normal power - short time
Idea in diagram:

Next diagram electronic of Horsepower Meter, can made little 8 -bit processor eg. AT2051. Small individual Soft for each model of engine:


Engine is gauged in its time of measurement of force LOAD his own.
And it is not necessary has drive testing your car.
Happy Easter
Andrew :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 07/05/08, 02:00

On one of aerial forum, describing my horse power meter, it re-wrapped in discussion for transmit force for transmission in helicopters theme limitation , very often.
I read this forum and , I has been orientated , that transmission is critical element in helicopter most
Sometimes. at creation of new invention, inspiration takes place at I safety of user most important
There is so and this time.
Understand how as critical thing beginning, try to omit she completely.
My constructions for carrying half- rotary engine directly try to joint impeller of helicopter, with out any transmission. In order to get low turns properly, I must use engine about outsized jumping capacity, and low rpm. My half -rotate engine, is accuracy, and size are reasonable.
Second ,safety important , are diesel fuel in this low rpm engine. Summary I increase safety twice.
It try to make similar to main parameters " " Chinookâ€￾.

Principle of operation half-rotate engine

Air cooling " piston"

And neither one cogged circle :D :D

Andrew :idea:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 17/06/08, 19:00

With "cylinder" and popped...


Mutations "Long Cylinder" and 8 valve in one "cylinder"


Vwork ~~= 0,5 V , V=Scircle x long

Regars Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 20/06/08, 19:21

Are You know engine named Twin Feliks ? :cheesy:


Mutations "Long Cylinder" and 8 piston valve in one "cylinder"


Please help: what right name of area "cylinder" ?? :?
Regars Andrew :D :D
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par toto65 » 20/06/08, 19:59

Hi, Andrew
I think it is "chemise".

Nice job!
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par inventor » 04/07/08, 21:59

inventor a écrit :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Too complet,but why this crakshaft are very long??
Eg. Radial engine not using in Navy?

Engine radial in horizontal position maby??

Name this engine : Multiboxer

Some facts on the 14 cylinder version:
Total engine weight: 2300 tons (The crankshaft alone weighs 300 tons.)
Length: 89 feet
Height: 44 feet
Maximum power: 108,920 hp at 102 rpm
Maximum torque: 5,608,312 lb/ft at 102rpm

multiboxer - 4x 9 slimed in heigh have 36 cylinders=about 250 MW power x 4 engine =1000 MW . Good plant.

And I don't believe, so crankshaft weighs about 750 ton

Regards Andrew :idea: :D :D

Largest in the World project engine .

This name: MULTIBOXER - its radial engine in horizontal position.
Tis is first cross head radial engine.
If made please using components Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C piston, cross head ,rod:

Engine 14 cylinders have 108,920 hp at 102 rpm .
My project engine have 45 cylinders end power ~~ 350. 000 hp
Tis is better ,so nuclear reactor in aircraft carrier ship.

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks

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