Moteur Stirling

Astuces, conseils et trucs pour baisser votre consommation ainsi que des procédés ou inventions comme de moteurs non conventionnels: le moteur Stirling par exemple. Brevets améliorant la combustion: injection d'eau, traitement plasma, ionisation du carburant ou du comburant.
Le Passant
x 17

par Le Passant » 08/10/05, 16:40

Sur la brochure <a href='' target='_blank'></a> ils annoncent un rendement (en cogéné.) de 90% :o

je leurs ai écrit pour demander le prix de ce produit...
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Le Passant
x 17

par Le Passant » 10/10/05, 14:52

Réponse reçue ce matin (en résumé: pas en vente en France avant un an):

Dear Benoît

Thank you for your enquiry relating to the availability of the AC WhisperGen
in France, I thought you may appreciate a comprehensive response.

The AC WhisperGen (for homes, & small businesses) needs to be connected to
the electricity grid to operate, whereas the DC WhisperGen (small remote
homes, boats, motor homes) is designed as a stand alone system.

The AC WhisperGen runs on natural gas or LPG and the DC WhisperGen runs on
diesel or kerosene.  We are aware of a number of customers who have
successfully run their DC WhisperGen on bio-fuel.

We have done virtually no testing and certainly no endurance trials on
alternate fuels and, as a consequence, will not warrant engines operated on
non specified fuels. Those customers who are running alternate fuels are
aware of this and do so at their own risk.

It is hoped resource will become available in the near future that will
enable us to commence work in what we recognize to be a significant area of

The AC has a modulated Output of 1.2kW Electrical and up to 8kW Thermal (The
DC has a modulated Output of 800W and up to 5.5kW Thermal).At this stage the
AC WhisperGen system (Personal Power Station) is only approved (CE marked)
for use in the UK and it is there where we will first launch the AC system
as a commercial product (Q1 year 2005).

We will be working through the approval regime for other European markets
over the next 12 months and when that is completed we will consider sale in
those markets. In the meanwhile we are working with leading gas and
electricity suppliers throughout Europe (including several key players in
Germany, France and Netherlands) who are testing the system and evaluating
it in respect of grid connection rules and possible distribution
arrangements and the mechanics to deal with export electricity - until we
have been through this exercise we are not in a position to offer product in
markets other than the UK, including our own home market.

In short it is not possible to order directly from us as we are unable to
sell units outside of areas were we have service and distribution networks

To give you pricing levels associated with France would be very misleading
due to various factors including the fact that our UK partners, Powergen,
are subsidizing some costs, and we are currently going through the exercise
of securing a mass-manufacturing partner which will not only increase
production dramatically but also bring the cost per unit down.

Regarding the DC WhisperGen (just for your information), we have a hold on
all new DC markets (depending on location & application) at present due to
the challenge of meeting production for the market demand. If your interests
are specifically DC related, please contact me with details.

If you would like to contact Whisper Tech again in 12 months time I will be
happy to update you on our progress and our likelihood/timing of being able
to offer the WhisperGen product in other European markets, especially
France. Hopefully by then we will be in a position to offer you product.

Thank you again for your interest Benoît, you may like to keep an eye out on
our website for any updates.

Kind regards

Gary Whitfield
Customer Services

Main Number +64 (3) 363 9293
Direct Dial +64 (3) 363 9744
Fax +64 (3) 363 9294

224 Armagh Street
PO Box 13-705
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Je découvre l'éconologie
Je découvre l'éconologie
Messages : 4
Inscription : 20/10/05, 15:11

Moteur Stirling

par Koen » 10/11/05, 15:48


Lorsque j'avais fait la même recherche, j'avais abouti sur un distributeur néerlandais qui vendait le whispergen DC, mais 15K€ quand même.

Une machine similaire est fabriquée par Soho en Allemagne (et visible sur la plupart des paraboles solaires à Stirling) et commercialisée pour 33K€ HT.


0 x
Messages : 79808
Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
Localisation : Planète Serre
x 11290

par Christophe » 10/11/05, 16:37

A de tels tarifs, je doute qu'il soit rentabilisable durant leur durée de vie...:evil: Meme avec un pétrole a 70$... Apres on s'étonne pkoi les Enr décollent pas...
0 x


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