New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par Remundo » 12/04/14, 13:33

hmmmm.... how do you turn with that blocked handlebar ? :mrgreen:
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par inventor » 23/04/14, 00:08

By education , I am Eng. mechanic. But I dealt with making the sound at concerts my apparatus .. It so happened that a few times , even ten times , I made a concert in Gdansk Shipyard Hall (which is then burned ) ... C5%84skiej .
We have always had a pass to the shipyard , because the entrance to the hall was the scene from the side yard. I as the driver of the car, after a few hours of driving , I've always had a break , and my employees were unloading acoustic equipment and lined it . I have two hours of free time , and this pass, always walked across the yard and spied on how the technology of shipbuilding . Often talked with employees who explained to me the various ins and outs of building ships . Then I met shipbuilding quite accurately , because she was always very interested mechanics ... Then I came to realize concert .. With these trips , I know how much free space is on a big ship . Here I present figure of the ferry , which sink .. Knowing its importance , which is 6800 tons , and subtracting approximately 1,500 tons , steel, wood , fuel , and such a variety can displace water , leaves us to displace the water about 5300 tons. , And then ship will not drown .. an average of 5300 tonnes divided by the length of the vessel is 146 meters = one meter will fall an average of 36 tons. so much water should displace to get afloat .. Now the height of each side of the free spaces submerged to 2 x 10 meters. .. For the average 15 meters wide double bottom .. together gives us 35 running meters , part of the flotation technique around the ship ( floating section ) .. So enough that the average thickness of 1 m polystyrene foam , applied to each inner metal shell of the ship , provided the to always buoyancy of the ship .... only 1 meter thick ..


When it comes to airplanes, it also thoroughly know their structures .. In carrying about 1,000 concerts in the former Soviet Union, every change of concerts, took place only airplanes * Once was a car, but I said 'never again' J. I had to upilnowania 40 boxes with equipment weighing about 3 tons .. Always, as soon as possible, guarding the proper loading and unloading, personally entered the baggage compartments, aircraft, whom the trip was .. And these were the aircraft from AN2 to Il 82 all types which were in the Soviet Union .. So exactly what I learned there are opportunities. And I know that a lot of them too .. Especially as it applies molded styrofoam possible to remove, to do the service .. ... 78&bih=436

Happy Easter for all

Andrew :frown:
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par inventor » 26/04/14, 16:04 ... 266e#p8068

Big Pete a écrit :There s also the issue of internal inspection of the tanks. All the regulatory authorities require internal visual inspections of the tanks and pressure testing through the life of the ship, and Ultra Sonic thickness testing of the steel plates, how can you do any of these things if the tank has been pumped full of foam?

If the Hull is damaged and a section of damaged steel has to be cut out and new steel welded in, what happens to the foam?

Lots of practical difficulties.


It is a pity that very carelessly read my posts and you watch my pictures .. clearly wrote that it does not have to be foam, but moldings, such as in this link

Also on section plane clearly can see that but there is a lot of free The places, and not how you think you .. Here is another one photo of the crash TU 154
I think that you should carefully read my poste, and certainly you will become a proponent of my solutions, and we will not have to cry after drowning our children in the future :(


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par inventor » 29/04/14, 14:20

So they go on the road foam, administer (at least for ships) foam glass, which is maybe a little heavier than styrofoam, but it resists 600 degrees Celsius temperature ..

to get the buoyancy as the ferry Sewol, it would have to be about 800 tonnes of such glass foam .. the same as the volume of polystyrene... ... g/penostek ... a_engl.pdf ... 78&bih=486

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par inventor » 06/05/14, 12:28

All of these flaps, ailerons and rudders are completely empty inside .. You have to be flame-retardant foam fill special for these air targets, and made in the form of fittings.
Clearly, the wings are half the space



Also in the hull filling soundproofing could have been a foam instead of wool.
Wool absorbs water very quickly ..Surely you would need to develop now and again a special material, teeth had been closed and not soaked with water. and was close to the damping properties of wool. It is a big challenge, but with the quantity of aircraft produced, certainly to perform .. It's just to follow in this direction




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par inventor » 15/05/14, 01:02

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par inventor » 15/05/14, 01:02

Well think again about the Red Baron. something on you tube not much you can see these vibrations..

The effect of two teaspoons on the wings of aviation profile facing each other stomachs. Wind from an ordinary hair dryer ... you can hear the clatter of high-frequency wing strokes of each other. That is, the vacuum, despite the very light wind is enormous. Disappears, as the wings come closer and then again .. Hence arises the clatter. ... 6928125097

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par inventor » 18/05/14, 02:48

Originally Posted by Bocolo View Post
But the wings will be damaged when they start banging each other. Right? /

No Bocolo, this film is just a demonstration, designed to show that between wings have been observed even small wind evolves very large force, which causes a vacuum. . It falls, but sparkled with momentum hits for himself .. because a large force was driven to such behavior. Of course, between the wings should give solid struts, which will determine the distance between them, chosen in the laboratory and Unclassifiable biggest Underpressure .. Then the vacuum should enter into the slit inside the wings of NACA FELIKS and further from the center of the wings for the help of some pipes, where we will be the most comfortable .. Of course at the end of the pipes have to give some engines vacuum, for example, a simple turbine, or a vane pump working as a motor ....

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par inventor » 18/05/14, 02:50

Here drawings like two wings facing each other bellies they give huge wind acceleration and negative pressure which we introduce inside the wings. If the wings will be mounted permanently, with sufficient clearance between them, and may be greater plenty of slots, a big part of the lift force will turn on underpressure which will be inside the wings could create a fairly low pressure and large its quantitative yield .. If so it will already know how to use a vacuum with a good efficiency, for example by the vane pump is running, vacuum-as a motor ... the motor can drive the generators or.... propeller ...


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par inventor » 18/05/14, 16:06

And now the strangest thing .. On the screen shots from the simulator to the airfoil published by NASA, pointed red frame so strange two values that can be set on the simulator .. Namely, in terms of drag and lift. and would not have believed in their value, if not the simulator, which included such a serious company like NASA .. In the first image you can see that the drag is set to 21 Newton.Lift has until 244 Newton .... So for the help of a smaller force is a much more powerful .. Something with anything ... this force is with 11.6 times greater than the resistance (drag).

In the second figure also drag is 12 Newtons, and lift 191 Newtons .. ie with 15.9 times greater ..
I think that these simulations are accurate ..
Now, if even half of the value obtained for lift holding strength to produce the drug's effects, it would lift force will be very high ... So we use 85 Newtons of lift to overcome the resistance (drag) 12 Newtons. that is enough for us to capture power efficiency, and conversion to drag about 14%. (eg rotary vane pump + propeller). I think it is really to do with such a small sufficient efficiency .. So the system can move itself by overcoming drag and float in the air At 85 Newtons lift .. I guess that NASA is wrong ...
So says the theory .....



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