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par inventor » 18/06/13, 13:45

On another forum
[quote name='Kelpiecross' post='6317600' date='Jun 18 2013, 03:26']I think there may be a way of getting around Betz' Law - as least to some extent. I should point out that what I am suggesting is not a plan to build a practical wind turbine - just a theoretical idea for capturing a greater percentage of the energy of a fixed cross-sectional area of wind than that allowed by Betz.
The idea simply is that (as I interpret the Law) Betz' Law applies only to a single stage turbine. If a series of turbines were placed in a duct similar to that shown in the first drawing of the Wiki article on Betz' Law - the duct expanding in area after each turbine to allow for the reduced velocity of the wind. The 40% of energy that gets past the first turbine has 60% captured, the 24% that gets past the second turbine has 60% captured by the third turbine and so on. Each turbine obeys Betz but overall the energy gathered is greater than that allowed by Betz and his bloody Law.

There often seems to be a way to get around the various basic laws of the universe (at least to some extent) without actually contradicting the laws. The point I am trying to make that it is not always a totally hopeless case to attempt something like Feliks is trying to do (but his idea won't work).

Did somebody else on this forum suggest this basic idea - or did I hallucinate it?[/quote]

I think that you gave a very good another example, the Betz "law "should be related but very skeptical. And it's a practice that we may work better for our imagination ... I can not but agree with the fact that my idea does not work. The images shown by me wings with a small fan, is the prototype shown in the "straight" Venturi nozzle. I assure you that with the right wind speed is very small fan rotates very quickly. Had he been exposed to the same wind without the help of the "straight" venturi nozzle, would not even be able to slowly rotate, because the relatively low wind, so little fan is not able to produce enough energy to overcome their resistance to motion. I have given, on which the profile is built, this "venturi nozzle straightened" so anyone can repeat the experience and see for yourself if it works. I was convinced and that is why I shared this information. Windmill used in the prototype rotor has a diameter of just 35 mm, the hub of which is as much as 19 mm in diameter. Even though it is "crippled" by a shoulder, shook actually fast. And he was inside the car, where the wind was not blowing at all ... Blowing in the wind wings creates a high vacuum. precisely because of this vacuum planes are flying, though is heavier than air a I are exactly the same negative pressure arising wing uses negative pressure not to fly, but to produce energy. And everyone knows that the negative pressure is created on the wing as it blows in the wind, so that so far only been used for flying plane, and will now also for the production of energy from wind. And there is no argument that it is "not working" because everyone can see that the plane is flying and a windmill, affixing to it as a vacuum cleaner, also rotates .. So a combination of both of these facts is possible, and certainly works. And there are no hallucinations. A "right" Betz who wants to talk about energy bypassing the mass, one has to such a process of its formation nohow ...
I greet those who are not afraid to have an open mind. :wave:

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 19/06/13, 12:43

QUOTE (gruntguru @ 19 juin 2013, 05:22)
       / QUOTE

Ok, Ok je suis! Je n'ai pas encore de dormir et de manger et gagner de l'argent pour la nourriture

Ici, je présente ma vidéo pour "" érigé "venturi. Ailes de détourage sur les coups de vent a fait? Par un ventilateur électrique. Tube de verre organique est placé dans le côté et a une longueur d'environ 70 cm. Balle Insertion a un diamètre de environ 60 mm.
De toute évidence assez allègrement que "l'escalade" de la colline .... Pour quelqu'un qui se tient à côté, qui ne comprend pas les processus en jeu, il ressemble au travail "antigravité".
Je ne peux voir qu'une fois que nous recevons beaucoup d'énergie potentielle de Newton, qui peut ensuite être facilement convertie en énergie électrique.
Vraiment pour recevoir cette énergie fonctionne uniquement avec 10 cm de longueur de l'aile, près du tube .... J'ai troqué dans ce prototype est un tube long de la côté de la fente, et utilise toute sa longueur pour obtenir de l'énergie.

Je pense que le grain de l'efficacité que vous devez développer un nouvel avion profils d'ailes.
Le nom des familles de ces nouveaux profils peut sembler NACA FELIX :roll:

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par inventor » 24/06/13, 01:20

Red Baron Windmill working prototype : ...

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par inventor » 25/06/13, 21:23

I other Forum:
Greg Locock a écrit :post='6324866' date='Jun 24 2013, 00:45']
or ... 1,s:0,i:84

If you want to get to any place and to measure the flow of air, you can consider having a more professional meters. ... index.aspx ... -velocity/

And here do send warm greetings to our kids playing these beautiful toys....


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par inventor » 03/07/13, 00:12

I recently discovered the venturi nozzle was and is used to produce electricity ... It turns out that there where no other way of producing electricity eletrycznego probably not out of the question, and the requirements are very high, the precision and reliability, there was used for this purpose Venturi nozzle .... Although it is a microscopic nozzle, but it proves to us its great suitability for the production of electricity. This is not exactly how it should be done for the production of energy from normal wind, but it shows the desirability of using a venturi, due to its unique properties ... ...


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par inventor » 04/07/13, 00:58

[quote name='Greg Locock' post='6340426' date='Jul 2 2013, 23:00']The goal there is not efficiency in any shape or form. Many ludicrous geometries will generate power from wind, the problem in the real world is to do so while maximising the energy output per dollar of capital invested, or some other efficiency measure.[/quote]

Yes, you're right .. Prblem is above price comparison of the results obtained, life insurance, ways and means of maintenance, ease of construction and even quite a few factors. It was not until all the issues included in the project will be decided .... and true innovation, is when after consideration of all the reasons tyxh answer will be yes ...
At the beginning of this innovation, there is still a problem, who has all the basic research and depending perform to get some general assumptions of a new method that can be accurately determine the costs and effectiveness in the series ..
I think it should be all usher in a new university faculties and in their laboratories. Beginnings are always difficult. ..

But the hardest is over ... ..

"The Felix Pyramid" ....


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par inventor » 14/07/13, 02:05

[quote name='gruntguru' post='6350684' date='Jul 7 2013, 23:40']I know this is the technical forum but we keep this one going for entertainment.[/quote]

I will keep the entertainment was much more....

[quote=roadtripper;82443178]i used to sell advertising to these guys:


the product is even called a "vortex" tube. :laugh::beer: your venturi nozzles and heat flows made it pop right back into my head for some reason, over ten years later. :thumbup:

(sort of related; i also did business with vortech. that was always a more exciting call, but the technology is way too pedestrian for this thread. :cool:)[/quote]

Andrew :D :D :D
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par inventor » 15/07/13, 12:08

Heating and cooling of a house nozzle Vortex. Two such nozzle biggest deal, give as much energy as the average air conditioner ..

Very easy and safe collection of compressed air, as long it allows to store and recover all the energy that we put ... up to two weeks, we can not fill the tank, just use what they retain ... Just the time to wait for good weather for power ..

air tanks filled with green energy, electricity or diesel ... 100% of efficiency ...


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par inventor » 17/07/13, 21:29

Glider, is such that 3 m ^ 2 front surface ...... windmill, which is 3 m ^ 2 has a diameter of about 2 meters .... of such a windmill, at a wind speed of 75 km / h, we get only around 500 watts of power. Now I do imagine that the 500 watt would raise a 500 kG glider at the height of 12 km in the Alps ....
You can see in this example, the energy is much more than that due to the "Law Betz"

Now, we can see that the glider is perfectly shaped, which makes it a true cross-section of recognition, drag, only 10% of the actual resistance of the cross-sectional plane ... or power that diligently received the windmill of the size is just ... about 20 watt .. And this power is expected to be a glider at the height of 12 km? ... &Itemid=69


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par inventor » 17/07/13, 21:30

And some say that the glider floating thermals ... First, at 12 km of these thermal currents is not ...

Well, here even at the airport, it is clear from the wind flowing around the glider with a huge rate increases that 500 KG top ... Only the wind ... 25 secods ...even the elevator at the Empire State Building so fast it does not go up ..

Andrew :D
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