New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 28/02/12, 16:31

And in the meantime since the formation of the ideas, changes a lot. For example, go beyond the "magic circle of the cylinder" was the hardest thing.
When I discovered it, a new type of timing, was the new 4 stroke engine:


Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 01/03/12, 12:11

My 6 cylinder boxer..


Can have two times less cubic capacity, because that is two times smaller turnover at the flywheel.

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 12/03/12, 03:51

I think the era of steam comes to an end. At most in obsolete nuclear power plants will be still used.

Half supports the engine has one very big advantage. Piston not friction on the walls of the "cylinder""Only the seals frictions cylinder

Thanks to these properties, the engine may be running on ... the coal dust.
Rudolf Diesel's first engine was built just on the coal dust, but unfortunately zacierał is at work. In the case of half rotate, will not look any login problems.Simply does not have any large surface friction



Only the directory should be chosen for personal seal. Each round you can straighten lines, of course, resistant to coal dust.....

Regards Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 18/03/12, 00:17

[quote name='Wuzak' post='5587386' date='Mar 15 2012, 08:26']Will sufficient heat be generated in the exhaust to be used ina combined cycle situation?[/quote]

Yes, combined cycle, but also the latest trends ...

And since it has to work at the coal face powder (same what they use today's power plants for combustion in boilers).
can seals with carbon, similar to the scrubbing of electric motors

Star engines were characterized biggest always force density



Below picture of the star half rotate around 10 (40) with "cylinders". for the transparency of the picture one can see only 3 additional "cylinders" more than is at the animated film.
One can also see dimensions of the whole of the engine in the assumption that every cylinder has such dimensions for the picture half rotate with the set connecting rod of the Sulzer D= engine of 900 mm and stroke 2500 mm .


So 10 (40) "cylindrical" engine half rotate about the same working capacity in comparing to the Sulzer 10 engine cylindrical on the picture below .

Sulzer: 10 Cylinders 20 m long , 15 m hight , 1500 Ton weight

Half rotate star : 10(40) "Cylinders" 4,5 m diameter , 4,5 m long
about 70 ton weight.


And most importantly.. Since in the engine half rotate mass innertia are several times Sulzer smaller than in the engine, engine half rotate can work with the much greater rotation speed.
Slzer : 102 RPM 60 000 KW

Half rotate 250 RPM 150 000 KW

In same intake work volume .

And now, the efficiency of the engine, due to the friction of the walls of the cylinder to rise about 5%. That is, it is the most efficient machine for the heat, whose efficiency exceeds 50% of the.

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 24/05/12, 12:48

"Gundersen: Slowly over the last couple of weeks the hydrogen has continued to build up inside the containments…

It’s coming from the bombardment of water from all the radiation that’s in the core. So a radioactive particle that’s just h20 splits to crank out the hydrogen.

It was incredibly low, now it’s up to about half a percent hydrogen.

So the trend is worrisome.

It has to get to 4% though… before it explodes.

So there’s still a margin to prevent an explosion.

So the trend, why is the hydrogen going up, is worrisome…"

Can hydrogen be requested to give away progressively by using such a method, similar to the disposal of teh hydrogen when charging?

Anything to the atmosphere, you don't need to sit in the application of this method. Everything is in the reactor, and the hydrogen is not…
Nothing to allow passage to the atmosphere.

Andrew 8)
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par dedeleco » 24/05/12, 13:05

In principle, French nucleocrats, say that there was such similar H recombination plugs inside French reactors, long before Fukushima !!!

Is it really true and well placed at the right position ???

Since Three Miles Islands, it is evident that it is very necessary !!!!
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par inventor » 23/06/12, 22:15 ... -in-japan/

Fear think about what would happen, if not given these five cents....

Andrew :cheesy:

Is it possible Tsunami from the Mainland ???

Yes of course ...

As such, things appear to the local river.....


Wishing you to never be so does not become.

anxious Andrew :?
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par inventor » 25/06/12, 14:10

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 28/06/12, 00:45

17 March 2011

And faith in the power of the defence forces....

Defence force always better than the force of reason...

Andrew :frown:
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par Remundo » 28/06/12, 08:19

Hello Andrew,

Nice technical descriptions.

I haven' seen the video of the crash for the helicopter. Tragic, but perhaps this death for the pilots was better than longly suffering from a cancer due to overdoses of radiation, right up of the radioactive boiling corium...

For your last post, the link to Guardian doesn't work...
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