New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 25/08/13, 03:37

Here, the current version of the flathead engine

And here is my version, but strangely drawn ..


The wikipedia is written with the maximum degree of pairing can get a 7: 1 And this is the fundamental flaw in the solution. Therefore, this low level of compression is because the valves need to have a place in the head to be able to go in and open up. In my constructs, valves (pistons) opening up, regress to the crankcase, so the head can be completely flat, without going into the notches on the valves. With a completely flat head, the compression ratio we receive in my design, possible 27: 1 It is a circuit are adequate for spontaneous combustion - diesel engine, which takes about 18: 1 compression ratio. So you can make the First Diesel Engine in the World with flat head ....

Also will not need to divide the block and heads, because my valves (pistons) can be loaded also from the crankcase, rather than the traditional valves from the head, so when the engine submission is possible in this way, the division heads and engine block becomes redundant. You can perform when the engine entirely from one piece, except for very an emergency head gasket and bolt heads that secure critical



Image ... earch&tt=b

So more or less look like the block of the world's first diesel ...



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par inventor » 29/08/13, 17:46

And if so the nozzle still has a small venturi with a propeller ...
You only need to do some brake to be able to land safely ..
.. :rolleyes:


Now not just a wing equipped with NACA-FELIKS profile and you can drive the turbine that is small, around larger propeller for propelling the aircraft .. (For some small gears sure) I think these two films, for people who have enough imagination to understand the principles and authenticate the actual work of such a system, which is probably exempt me of the need for prototyping ..
All the praise can enter below ... :rolleyes:

Andrew :D :D
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par inventor » 30/08/13, 02:21

To the boat like this make my fan to driven even further screw in the water ...

It is precisely against the wind to sail the boat to .. here about sailing ... n_the_wind
and if not faster than the wind .. hydrofoil is that it can be ...

A Hoj boaters .. A sailors feet of water under the keel ..:wave:

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 31/08/13, 17:47

Such a thing you have to use the Windmill Red Baron .. It is much more effective and efficient than a fan, which I used in my prototype .. because I used it because I wanted it to be seen from fast shakes due to the negative pressure produced .. Also each vane pump can be used, even with the water ring seal.


It is obviously too can drive the propeller :rolleyes:

Andrew :D :D
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par inventor » 09/09/13, 03:21

Well again, some of the atom. .. It seems to me that Joseph Rotblat was the inventor of the atomic bomb and the first I became aware of the horrific possibilities. Because even as a foreigner was attached to the project Manchatan, after arranging the required formalities .. The truth value of this claim due to the following publications and videos:

And some

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par inventor » 10/09/13, 12:53

Kelpiecross, on 09 Sept 2013 - 13:27, said:
I think the person most responsible for the discovery of nuclear fission (and explanation of where the energy came from) is Lise Meitner.
Here the interview in Polish (you can Google translate ..) argues, however, that he invented the atomic bomb that possibility ... I think that this format is not appropriated man rather the merits, that he is not the creator ..
In the biographical data shows that 1936 years in Lviv gave lectures on protons and neutrons, and the interaction ... litics.pdf

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par inventor » 13/09/13, 00:53

A lovely little boys dream... ... heads.html

Andrew :D :D
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par inventor » 17/09/13, 20:57

Once at the end of 1969 I swapped models RC (tube!) On sound engineering and health ectronic instruments in this music band ... ..:rolleyes:

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Andrew Feliks
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par Feliks » 18/09/13, 23:02

Similar to Kosciuszko Mound ... Like so Mound in Krakow fell to the Vistula and obstructed it, we would have Tsunami from the mainland ... do not need any earthquakes ... Once the sequence of events predicted arguing against nuclear power ...
Maybe it is worth to seriously take this example, because there is always such a miracle as the heavens here we will fund .. I strongly tell against such power plants. You can not, as you believe in miracles ...


Andrew :D
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par Feliks » 18/09/13, 23:03

No, the prophecy? :rolleyes:

Landslide blocked access to the Monju nuclear power plant ... ... gency.html

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