New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 25/04/13, 22:39

Once again, I will return to produce electricity for the help of the MHD generator. Everything is locally renowned roughly on the subject presented here. ... -generator

From other sources I found out that the biggest difficulty was to obtain high stability of our power. But today, thanks to patent my friend, who at the end of the 60 lived in Krakow and was in the same club as me HAM. Station club had prefix SP9KHR and I ran as the transmitter of surplus U.S. - BC-610. My good friend, Tadeusz Bator, efficiently assisted me in this work and launched a SSB transmitter power of 1 kW at the club. A colleague at the beginning of the 70 he emigrated to Sweden. There, in 1982 received a U.S. patent on the device that we now effectively helps in achieving sustainable energy sources .. This is the patent as the inventor: ... 371917.pdf

Now this version of the microprocessor is very popular, and we can easily obtain current, high stability of the MHD generator. It's an old idea with a new face ..

To be economically competitive, a coal-fired power station would have to combine an MHD generator with a Termionic generator in what is termed a binary cycle. The hot gas is first passed through the MHD generator (a process known as topping) and then on to the termionic of agenerating plant (the bottoming phase).
The third system is a framework for jet engine jet gases coming from the double thermal cycle. All three components are mounted, as in the classic treadmill, and drive generators disposed on the rotation axis, or to the external parts of the treadmill....
An MHD power plant employing such an arrangement is will known as an" open-three cycle".

Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 29/04/13, 13:41

Well, finally, someone took my ideas for projects .. ... EfrtAOMuvk

Now, if someone wanted to work on the MHD and plasma must be provided with the device ..

Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 29/04/13, 14:54

inventor a écrit :Well, finally, someone took my ideas for projects .. ... EfrtAOMuvk

Now, if someone wanted to work on the MHD and plasma must be provided with the device ..

Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 01/05/13, 02:11

If salt water fill the upper reservoir of the Polish power, he can do it for 6 hours to give the same amount of energy (800 MW) at one nuclear reactor ...


view the picture in full size

And of course, instead of a duck, a more professional pump

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 01/05/13, 15:59

And now for something to relax, guitarist Bartek is the son of my friend, the guitarist, who died in 2008 ...
For me, more expressive than the original ..

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Andrew Feliks
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par Obamot » 01/05/13, 16:47

Hi Andrew !

Well, as you know, the original is like a "ballad", this one can be considered more as a "soul version" (perhaps "blues"), don't you?

Of course I prefer the Kasia Dereń + Bartek Alber version to my side. More "life" more feeling, that talk to me: so yes I'm 100% agree...

Thanks for sharing. 8)

PS: your previous posts shown something impressive btw
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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par inventor » 01/05/13, 23:17

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 05/05/13, 02:44

These ducks are doing more and bigger ..!!! What it will be ??? ... r_facebook

To calm the nerves ... er-natalie

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 11/05/13, 21:40

Well, something in my professional life .. In the late 90s was leading Sound designer at several The festivals of Children with Disabilities. well there Danuta Jachyra debut, which unfortunately is no longer alive. Here is a sample of how she singing.... ... ZGCZlsYMO8

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Andrew Feliks
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par Obamot » 11/05/13, 22:09

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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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