New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 28/06/12, 10:14

Remundo a écrit :Hello Andrew,

Nice technical descriptions.

I haven' seen the video of the crash for the helicopter. Tragic, but perhaps this death for the pilots was better than longly suffering from a cancer due to overdoses of radiation, right up of the radioactive boiling corium...

For your last post, the link to Guardian doesn't work...

Thanks Remundo !

Already I correct link ... ctor-video


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par Obamot » 28/06/12, 10:32

Thanks for sharing.

At Tchernobyl, the helicopters hurled tons of concrete... :frown:

At Fukushima the omerta is also real.

Next catastrophe it will be the same... Anywhere.
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par inventor » 10/07/12, 12:25 ... -fukushima

Whether the IAEA supports still so cooling reactors, or changed the sentence. ??

Andrew :x :x
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par inventor » 12/07/12, 13:49

dedeleco a écrit :In principle, French nucleocrats, say that there was such similar H recombination plugs inside French reactors, long before Fukushima !!!

Is it really true and well placed at the right position ???

Since Three Miles Islands, it is evident that it is very necessary !!!!

This French nucleocrats knew about this method and do not make the Japan nucleocrats in Fukushima ??? ... 270412.pdf

The new rule :

No Atoms for Peace. Atoms only for War

As teh proved in practice, the spent fuel pools are more dangerous than the same reactors. Probably because of this need not be the same as the reactor containment, ...

Because the fuel in the reactor can be serious, but nonetheless the same fuel in the swimming pool of the spent fuel, no longer is dangerous....

Probably because the spent fuel pools are similar to garden pools :lol:

Regards Andrew :?
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 13/07/12, 00:14

And again the Pyramids ...


And the few words the truth about " swimming pools." ... _Fuku3.htm

Regards Andrew :frown:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 13/07/12, 02:02

Here's how you can do a little organize with the scrap on 3 reactor.

You need to hire such a tool for cutting of metal from BP, hung it on the lift along with the camera, take the handle of the solenoid.



Also imaginative works underwater he have ... also I have seen them.

Andrew :D
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par Remundo » 13/07/12, 11:00

Hi Andrew,

Hum this is more a pipe crusher than a pipe cutter :mrgreen:

But such a tool is "useful" for deep offshore oil plants.

I don't understand completely, what is the goal ? To cut the old pipelines and moving the plant in another "better" place ?

P.S. : thanks for the Fukushima's pictures :idea:
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par inventor » 13/07/12, 12:40

Remundo a écrit :Hi Andrew,

Hum this is more a pipe crusher than a pipe cutter :mrgreen:

But such a tool is "useful" for deep offshore oil plants.

I don't understand completely, what is the goal ? To cut the old pipelines and moving the plant in another "better" place ?

P.S. : thanks for the Fukushima's pictures :idea:

I probably would have been less non corroded:cheesy:

and besides, the lift can be controlled from Paris this ...
Missing employees.. :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 14/07/12, 14:59

Nice look at the animation... ... el-storage"]

Andrew :frown:
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 16/07/12, 05:56

[quote=Feliks]Nice look at the animation: ... el-storage


And my animation, showing what you can do in 4 Fourth swimming pool in Fukushimie.
You need to build a new building, to the basement of the reactor building to insert with three new reactors, only to store the fuel. They manage any guarantees when possible earthquakes.After filling all the water also will be a guarantee of the & span settlement.


Andrew :frown:
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Andrew Feliks

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