New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par bernardd » 08/09/11, 14:50

Remundo a écrit :I enjoy the VTOL because it can gather the advantages of plane and helicopter (easy to pilot, easy to land and take off, low consumption while flying, possible stationnary flight) while preventing most of the drawbacks (consumption of helicopter, problem to take off and lang for plane)...

... except that it adds the weight of both solutions, and increase the risks of a failures, which is already very high with helicopters.

There is no way in that direction with traditional aircrafts engines.
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par Remundo » 08/09/11, 18:12

bernardd a écrit :
Remundo a écrit :I enjoy the VTOL because it can gather the advantages of plane and helicopter (easy to pilot, easy to land and take off, low consumption while flying, possible stationnary flight) while preventing most of the drawbacks (consumption of helicopter, problem to take off and lang for plane)...

... except that it adds the weight of both solutions, and increase the risks of a failures, which is already very high with helicopters.

There is no way in that direction with traditional aircrafts engines.

Hello Bernardd

This is partially true, because the main vertical rotor brings its own stiffness and allows to reduce the span of the wings...

But I agree that it is mechanically more complex, because the waited specifications for the aircraft are stronger.

I remember there is some experimental application in the US army of such "airhelicoplanes"...

Bye !
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par inventor » 12/09/11, 05:08

Green Engineering in strongbox bank.....

Andrew :cheesy:
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par inventor » 14/09/11, 11:41

[quote name='Feliks' post='5270845' date='Sep 10 2011, 09:13']Poles at all it goes something like this to tinker with helicopters...

Andrew :smoking: :smoking:[/quote]

Is Igor Sikorski, Poland had a soul? Because his father was a Pole, which the Russians took him for taking part in the January Uprising....? :rolleyes: Lynx

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 15/09/11, 11:03

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 19/09/11, 04:42

If you do not want to lose a large diameter fan operating in the Venturi nozzle, you should use " internal Venturi nozzles ".
These are just two cones inside a circular tube
Their convergence must be in accordance with the Bernoulli's principle, just like a normal venturi nozzle. So must be kept laminar flow. But we gain a large diameter fan. Theoretically, the energy gain obtained is 10 times larger in relation to the windmill in a narrow place of the normal venturi nozzle....
Field cross-sections must be changed in the same function as in classical venturi


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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 27/09/11, 21:00

Wind and water have long been a very liked.
So I think that such a solution, consistent with their preferences, will be most effective

It is a Venturi vidmil that drives large enough vane pump with sealing ring via water.
Thanks to such a seal, which is not consumed, and it is tight, you can use all the energy that gives us a venturi nozzle of the vacuum produced.. Because the turbine does not have any leaks.So theoretically, this will be the most efficient use of wind...

We can thus take advantage of the vacuum energy, what we get in other ways to obtain it from the wind.

New "turbine" is Liquid Ring Vaccum Pumps


Regards Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 29/09/11, 03:49

Heron's Apache my be need this engine:


Heron's apache to drive propellers you may use electrically driven motors Motorjet. Then you can harness the power of their relatively high..

Well if he gave such ichyba two engines to the Hero's apache model, it is even quite good size, it could be...

May be person size??
The first hybrid helicopter??

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 30/09/11, 00:27

Thanks to the new Heron's Apache we can build a pretty good quality helicopter
When we begin to design a small personal helicopter similar to this:
We see the need to drive to the main rotor diameter of 18 feet (5.5 meter)
We see the need to drive to the main rotor diameter of 18 feet (5.5 meter) and 540 rpm rotational speeds. To achieve such a speed we could use a torque 800 Nm ( ~ 80 kgm ).
Returning now to the Hero 's Apache, we can assume that the torque on the main propeller tubes produce more than us four propeller.
Let's say that in May they long 3.5 feet (1 meter ). So, as at the end of each of those tubes you put the engine that gives us a sequence of 10 N (2 Lbs) values ??(1kg) it will be added to the rotor torque of 10 Nm (1 kgm)
So four of these tubes with motors will give us a 40 Nm (4 kgm).
Now, assuming that our helicopter will be lighter with a big motor, gears and tail rotor, we can assume that he will need to drive only the main rotor diameter of 600 Nm at, say, 16 feet (4.9 m).
So if we placed the total at the end of the tube Heron's Apache silnki of values ??within 600/40 = 15
15 X 2 lbs = 30 lbs of force within, we get has fully functional helicopter....
As it turns out, these motors have already modelers....
Weight engines 8 Kg (14 Lbs).... 10 position video
If you want to build a crane helicopter, use these eight: :tsk
Or a combination of hybrid electric..
Or Only electric:
40 pcs enought..~~ 40 KW and ful personal electric helicopter

So it happens that good fun can become a good professional...
Regards Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 30/09/11, 13:12

Well, maybe but the full electric version:
These eight electric motors:

Now just: 8 electric motors, ie 2, 3 / 4 Lbs each battery X 8 pieces = 22Lbs (~ 10 kg) and can fly for 5 minutes. That is 132 lbs ( 66kg ) meringue can fly 30 minutes at full load... Weight of motors is 132 16 = 148 lbs (74 kg) fuel + engines.

Weight of the traditional system of propulsion engine of CRE MZ202 is 38 kg, the transmission of about 15 kg, 5 gallons of fuel to the tank about 20 kg, the total weight of 72 kg and the propulsion flight time 1 hour..
When you subtract the tail rotor 20 kg to obtain also a similar range..


Until you can control the direction of these one additional electric motors, administer, only a little smaller.

And this looks like a traditional electric version of the aircraft


Bumblebee Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks

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