New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 01/07/11, 00:11


[quote name='Feliks' post='5125841' date='Jun 24 2011, 15:36']I thought about that. The float on the animation gives the impression of a small..[/quote]

I think that this would be accurate... ... 20seas.wmv

I wonder how many tons of water would be able to pump out the 100-meter high tank, during one cycle of the wave? :)

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 03/07/11, 05:32

The Red Baron Windmill:

Due to the vacuum created by the wing, over which the wind flows, wind turbines in the channels of collective spin vacuum and provide energy....


Here you can see demonstrations of the film that created a vacuum at the top of the wing when the wind blows on him.
The resulting vacuum can suck the ball into the pipe passing through the wing.

By placing many of the holes on the top of the wing, use the vacuum on the entire surface of the wing. The Assembly shall meet in two sustaining supports and drives the suction fans to them with normal air pressure.
This will of course be used to produce energy,
and its amount will depend on the size of the system...

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 06/07/11, 02:18

Well, some developing:

Of course, you must use the entire art of loving wing aerodynamics.
And How companies grow one way: speed amplifier in the form of air intake venturi nozzle.


Well, and a new kind of wings...
Venturi nozzle flat... After all the two wings made contrary to each other..

Regards Andrew :cheesy:
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par inventor » 08/07/11, 13:27

In other forum :
gruntguru a écrit :Those wings need endplates.

Seriously - using the flow in a secondary device means that a lot of the wind power is wasted, because the mass flow through the turbines is much less than the wind mass flow captured by the machine.

I have seen some interesting and original ideas in this thread, but you are wasting YOUR energy trying to improve on the efficiency of a modern wind turbine.

All of this, I waste my energy ,you able to understand that there are other, much more efficient ways of using wind energy.

I know your great love for modern wind turbine, but you must remember that any excessive love sent your eyes, and impossible for an objective view of reality.

Besides, is not just about the same efficiency, but also for it to be able to build a very simple structure that even the next 4,000 years will exist. I makes sense to build on the sea, because they almost always wind blows from one direction - from the sea. And so it will probably still over the next 4000 years...
  In such a structure may be, for example, 100 such horizontal " flat venturi " and long for 300 meters. Constructed channels will lead to negative pressure turbines which generate much electricity. And the only element consuming to be turbine generators. The rest should survive 4000 years without repairs...

So with these issues will be decisive, not only we can improve the efficiency of Venturi amplifier.

Well unless the people have lost the ability to build such structures ...


And here in a better resolution though you wanted to see more details:

But who will be Pharaoh?? :roll:

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 11/07/11, 01:56

And here's the picture of Homer family watching the Red Baron Windmill prototype with flat Venturi nozzles.
If you meet all expectations, this is a prototype of Homer performs with Stone, as Pharaoh himself had wished.
And it will be a very durable building, well, for example, compared to the ridiculously short life of nuclear reactors...


Best Regards Andrew :D :D
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par inventor » 12/07/11, 12:04

With a dash of fantasy.

Oh yes, a little bit of you have, then a little knowledge and work reliably over the idea and new invention ready.....

Here you can see perfectly that we can get plenty of potential energy generated by the aerodynamics, without any propellers....
It allows a range of up to 3000 km by glider...

Andrew :D
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par inventor » 18/07/11, 12:19

Oh yes, a little bit of you have, then a little knowledge and work reliably over the idea and new invention ready.....

Here you can see perfectly that we can get plenty of potential energy generated by the aerodynamics, without any propellers....
It allows a range of up to 3000 km by glider...


The main energies supplied to a glider is gravity and convection(solar) energy. Even a glider has to be able to change it's vector to operate at a gain. At the end of the day, a glider has produced very little work. If you were to try to power the world on the work performed levels of a glider, it would be a herculean task.

You know perfectly well, with new ideas about the rank of the fundamental, very difficult to penetrate to the use of mass...

But thanks to people like you, we can slowly try to..
Another, although not looking as Hekules, we have on video..

Instead, we can build an automatic flow of balls so that they can be sucked into the pipe.
A falling ball (or WATER) with wings, they can hit their way back after a shoulder wheel, similar to a water wheel, giving him his potential energy ..

Well, the automatic circuit, will cause the "Hercules" he can rest.
This is just an example of how we can use another way of generating energy this way.

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 19/07/11, 11:07

Instead, we can build an automatic flow of balls so that they can be sucked into the pipe.
A falling ball (or WATER) with wings, they can hit their way back after a shoulder wheel, similar to a water wheel, giving him his potential energy ..

Well, the automatic circuit, will cause the "Hercules" he can rest.
This is just an example of how we can use another way of generating energy this way.

"The Water Wind Power Plant"

Love for "tuning" not gone...


Andrew :D
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par inventor » 21/07/11, 00:50

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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 22/07/11, 12:25

I actually wasted 2 min typing that text in google translator and came up with this:

"scientists believe the surface of his wings is too small in relation to its weight and in accordance with the laws of physics can not fly ... But the bumblebee does not know ..."



Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks

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